Kevin Stefanski: “There’s a lot of work that needs to be done” | Cleveland Browns – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
mervin scott

We need a quarterback to stay in the pocket and pass the ball.


    We need to play to Bakers strengths. He is not a pocket quarterback. Run the ball to set up the play action pass and quick strikes is his game

    Becca Bunxh

    Notice the overuse /unnecessary use of “actually”, “basically”, & “obviously by NFL people, media and by other TV talking heads? Learn more about the reasons and about a hate/smear campaign — Allegedly — A similar NBC News 20/20 story can be found here on Youtube (Organized Stalking in Hubbard, Ohio.)


    You know Mervin you have to give credit to the Raven defensive, they did not make it easy on the Browns offensive. The Ravens also have a habit of changing their looks and playing weird little wrinkles in their defense that make it hard for offensives to predict what they are doing.

    You Tuber

    We just need him to find the open man and put it on him. They will get open VS the Bengals


    @You Tuber Look when Mike McCarthy took over the Green Bay packers his first season he started loosing. He went to his mentor and ask him what he was doing wrong. His mentor look at the 5 games they played so far in his season and said don’t change a thing you are doing fine trust in the process that you put in place. Coach McCarthy went on to finish his first season with a winning record.

Aairah Glass

Nice 36:14 🍌🍌🍌🍌

Tre Slime

Odell first target can’t be in the 2nd quarter that just can’t happen

    Tyler Dare

    Is he going to catch the ball then ?

Rob Tintelnot

Seibert went to the Bengals. Did they not watch any of our games?

    Life with Javionne

    I glad he went to the bengals

Tre Slime

Odell and Jarvis are 2 different people stop comparing people you never know what drives someone

Sanna Escobar

Nice 36:14 🍌🍌🍌🍌

Rob reviews Tech

Nick Chubb needs a minimum 20 carries a game. If The Browns are going to use 2 running backs, then there should be a minimum of 30-35 carries a game split between the two. Not a total of 20 carries. A team will never win like that.

    Parish Stevens

    You can’t run when your behind.

Joseph R

Stephanski is already checked out lmao

Zepher 576

Baker needs to stay in the pocket and throw on 3rd down.let nick Chubb and Kareem hunt eat.stop thinking you need to give the ball to Odell

    Mac Call

    Honestly I think Odell is the problem they feel obligated to keep him happy trying to force the ball to him

Hostile Tentacle Monster

< Coach Stefanski, Ich bin immer noch bereit, Ihnen den Vorteil des Zweifels zu geben, den Sie verdienen, coach. Sie haben sich als sehr guter coach und guter Mann erwiesen. Aber letzte Woche ist kein Gong, um es zu erledigen. Sie verlieren gegen ein exzellentes Team, das in Ordnung ist ... aber Sie mΓΌssen zumindest wettbewerbsfΓ€hig sein, selbstverschuldete Fehler beseitigen und wΓΆchentliche Verbesserungen zeigen. Es gab keine Verbesserung, viele selbstverschuldete Fehler und es war nicht wettbewerbsfΓ€hig. Es ist inakzeptabel, mit einem talentierten Team so gegen ein Team mit der Geschichte zu verlieren, die die Ravens mit dem Browns-Franchise haben. Es ist inakzeptabel, die langmΓΌtige Fangemeinde in Verlegenheit zu bringen. Schon als erstes Jahr HC mit dem Talent, das Sie haben. Genau wie letztes Jahr, als Freddie gefeuert wurde. Machen Sie es einfach am Donnerstag und dann kΓΆnnen wir mit etwas Hoffnung und Bestimmtheit darΓΌber sprechen, wohin dieses Ding geht.

Common Sense

Jesus. The media. Someone ask him where his offensive scheme went? Where are the tight ends? Why aren’t they moving the pocket? Where’s the zone blocking? Where’s the play action? Christ, did Freddie come back?

    You Tuber

    THANK YOU! Which seems a little odd but I’m thinking maybe they used at Baltimore as a pre season game n didn’t wna show their offense and really have been looking at cinci all along. Bc you’re absolutely right none of his β€œVikings” offense was there

DLY ButYouDonnoMe

Was it a bad decision for you to let go of your terrible kicker early enough for him to go to the team you’re getting ready to play? 🀣

Mac Call

I would pay players on how they perform on game days not just a bottom salary , I bet people would try a hell of a lot harder on this team



Evan Doherty

San fran went 2 and 14.. and then ended up in the super bowl. We are probably going to have a bad year, get another quality pick and then go from there. I want to keep stefanski… trade obj and restore the production we had in 2018.


    You couch analysts come up with new shut everyday

Evan Doherty

We just don’t need him

Rj S

Here is what I what do Thursday.
First half just run the ball
Don’t even attemt a pass. Get that fullback in there just power it down their throats.
Use different formations in backfield
and run some wild cat with kareem hunt I think he would be good at it

Stan ezen

Game could go either way. Can’t wait. Battle of the hesiman trophy QBs!!!

Jp KpFrE

… and Stefanski wants to be traded

Paul Baker

your 1st game is losing by 32? Nice job turning around the FREDDIE syndrone!

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