Kevin Stefanski Postgame Press Conference vs. Bengals – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Mike Muffler

You gotta give credit to the Bengals.
They are a complete team.
They play well on both sides of the ball.

We continue to somehow find ways to be dysfunctional and disappointing.


    John Shubert

    It’s our 3rd string center he was getting absolutely destroyed

Dave Mcginnis

10 pts wow. Great offense coach.

    Bill richeter

    Mayfields fault

    matthew foor

    When we signed Watson I said we’ll see if Watson’s athleticism can override stefanski’s terrible play calling…..
    And…… Here we are. One touchdown in two full games. WOW and our ONE TD was in junk time!!

    TO Reloaded

    @matthew foor junk time? No it wasnt. Browns fans are neck beard, dipspit brains and im convinced yall have no clue what you are talking about lol

    matthew foor

    @TO Reloaded you’re right. One touchdown scored by the offense in two full games is really good. Me have neck beard. Me so stupid.

    Tim G

    @TO Reloaded After watching this NFL abortion for the past 22 years, WE DO KNOW WHAT WE’RE TALKING ABOUT AND FULLY UNDERSTAND WHEN MANAGEMENT AND COACHING SUCKS AND PLAYERS ARE UNDERUTILIZED! Once you figure out if a football is stuffed or pumped, and you come up to speed on what a real NFL team looks like, then maybe you can let the rest of us know.

Edward Gaines

Unless it’s the 4th quarter and you’re down by 7, you *ALWAYS* go for the 3 points. Your Browns offense isn’t good enough to score at will. Kevin, you’re terrible.

    Brandon Lowman

    They’re just giving Deshaun more game reps

    Tim Michaels

    We should send Kevin to NASA

Lo 1X

Put Jacoby in on 4th down and had him throw down field when that’s his weakness and you have your 230 million QB sitting on the bench made me yell “fire this guy”

    Matt Mavin

    That play was dumber than Hues flea flicker from our own end zone. Kevin needs to go

    TO Reloaded

    yep. thats Stefanski


    Kevin out smarted himself, but it tells you what he thinks about his starting Center, if you don’t trust your starting Center to get enough of a push to get you 1 yard, then you end up running stupid plays like that. If Ethan Pocic was still the Center, I bet the Browns would have run a QB sneak on 3rd and 1 and if they didn’t make it, they would do it again on 4th and 1. The Browns are paying those Guards a lot of money, but they got pushed around on the line today. The Bengals dominated the line of scrimmage. Usually it is the Browns Offensive Line which dominates the line of scrimmage.

    Tim G

    @DMC You have to understand what you have before you can understand how to use them. He’s lost and has No Clue.

    Glass man forshore

    If it works he is coach of the year, unfortunately again lol

Dave V

9 penalties/No November victories and a coach who refuses to give Chubb the ball because Dorsey drafted him. Andy Berry did it again. He picked a roster of friggin losers that aren’t smart or disciplined just like he did with Sashi Brown and Pauly.


No more excuses. Browns have a lot of major things to rethink ( including coaching and front office) in the offseason. As they are now they will never be a playoff team. My question to Kevin is why isn’t your team playing their best??? Why??? Week after week it’s the same excuses coming from you.

Adam B34 the Clown

this roster is a superbowl caliber roster. there’s a number of head coaches in this league who could have EASILY secured a playoff spot with this roster. time for kevin to go.

    Erni Ern


    O.G Embrace

    Yes it’s over for him he keep messing up and not fixing it

    Blow Me

    hahahaha Super Bowl roster ur (high)
    they have a crap oline ,1 true pro-bowler on offense Chub thats it ,stop him u stop the offense. 1 pro-bowl offensive lineman thats (butonio). defensive garret thats it. browns are no where near the lions right now.


    You really are a clown lmfao

    John Shubert

    @Blow Me Wyatt Teller Chubb Kareem Hunt Amari Cooper Bitonio can ALL be probowlers Jok Myles Clowney Newsome Ward Emerson Deion Jones can all be probowlers watch, and see next year

The Mad Cleveland Browns fan

This coach shows more respect to opposing teams than his own players. He’s not built for Cleveland

Michael Tate

Look no further than the 49ers. Good players and very well coached. Plug and play any position and they win with scheme. When the Browns win it is almost always in spite of coaching. I’m done wasting my time on this franchise who always waits too long to make the next wrong decision.


    Exactly. Football is a coaches sport. Scheme+good quarterback play have and will always win championships.

    You Must Be This Tall

    And they laid the wood today to the Bucs with a 7th round rookie QB. They were ready to play and didn’t let off the gas.

Johnson John

It’s like pushing the rewind and play button every press converse after a loss.
Sad thing everyone knows Kevin and this coaching staff needs to go but ownership don’t care as long as they are making money

    Ouroboros Nagyok

    kevin maybe has to go, he HAS done good things tho, and im not one to give up on coaches quickly

    its woods and priefer that HAVE to go

    bring in brian flores as DC and if stefanski was fired after an awful start to next season, youd have flores there to take up the head coach role

Josh Webb

It looks to me like Baker Mayfield carried this team along with some others that are no longer here. The Browns had two straight winning seasons before this year now they will be lucky to achieve that goal

    Robert Ray

    @bruh moment that’s a bad head coach allowing a injured QB to play all year. This coach sucks

    Todd Hurley

    Dorsey brought all the good players in

    Tim G

    @bruh moment You’re right. Too many INT’s. However, had Stefanski pulled the INJURED Mayfield and inserted Case Keenum, who had taken the Vikings to the playoffs when Stefanski was the OC in Minnesota, then maybe they would have fared a bit better? Why else sign Keenum? For that very reason, that’s why! Leaving an injured Mayfield in as the starter doomed that team to failure. Why didn’t Stefanski put in Keenum? In my view because he was either to stupid or to stubborn to do so. In either case, Stefanski was the HC and was wrong for NOT putting the injured Mayfield on the bench. Every Browns fan worldwide KNEW Mayfield was hurt and the injury was costing that team wins. That was Stefanski’s job! To put the best players on the field and Stefanski DID NOT DO THAT. He’s still living off of Baker’s one good season and the playoff win in Pittsburgh. But enough is enough.

    Tyler Morro

    The Browns will always be the Browns, at least in my own mind

Hunter DeLaney

Says the same thing for every press conference after a loss!

Stephen Harris

In two games with Watson we score one offensive touchdown. Nice.

    John Shubert

    In both games our center is a 3rd string guard who can’t block

    John Shubert

    Go watch the tape dj reader destroyed froholdt


Stefanski is getting SO good at these post loss pressers!! The slumped shoulders, the same loser mentality talking points, AMAZING coach!! Can’t wait to watch him lead the Browns to another losing season next year! YAY BROWNS!!

    Alex Sharp

    Sorry bud but its not the coach. You got a trash culture

    Remy Barton

    Maybe he just realizes the press and fans are morons and aren’t worth his time actually talking to. And he’d be right about that.

    Tim G

    @Alex Sharp It is the coach but you may be right, the culture isn’t helping.


I am so sick of not kicking the field goal in the first quarter of these games. That has happened 7 times. How many times do we have to be slapped upside the head? That is the same thing as a fumble/interception and gives the other team a great feeling of accomplishment that carries over for the rest of the game. Take the play calling away from this guy. This is insane.

    Remy Barton

    Tell me how a field goal would’ve mattered

    Tim G

    @Remy Barton Maybe, JUST MAYBE, it give the offense some semblance of success, however small that might be. Building success, even in small increments, might be a plus. Ever think of it that way? But trying to go-for-it almost every time you’re in the Red Zone, when the defense knows exactly what you’re going to do, provides nothing but a continual sense of failure and another “here-we-go-again” moment. Which, ultimately, leads to a continual sigh of resignation and failure! This guy just doesn’t have a clue.

    Robert Britton

    Indeed I agree. And do not bring in Jacoby! Watson can run or throw incomplete to 👍🇺🇸🏈 Go Browns win a game please 🏈🇺🇸 Go Buckeyes National Champion 🇺🇸🏈🏆

Mycha' El7

Coach Mcvey did more to get Baker prepared in 2 days than Stefakanski was able to do for Watson in the past couple of weeks.

    Seth Houston

    Did baker ever throw over 300 yds for us? I can’t remember.

    Shel W

    @Seth Houston not sure about numbers, but I do know that it doesn’t matter how many yards a QB throws if the team still loses.

    evil mcfluffin

    @ToXicGracie he had a year in the system too as a back up duh stop with your lame points because they dont make sense

    evil mcfluffin

    @Mycha’ El7 not facts lol a quick google search is all thats needed i promise


    @evil mcfluffin ARE YOU SAYING IM WRONG?! 😠😠😠😠😠


Whenever the Browns have more penalized yards than rushing yards, then the game will never end well. I think there were 2 critical moments that changed the game, getting greedy on the 4th and 1, instead of just taking the first down, and the roughing the punter penalty were the 2 most critical mistakes that cost the game, and then you throw in the 37 yard pass interference penalty, and it is easy to see how the Browns lost the game. Deshaun Watson made incremental improvements, but he is still not where the Browns need him to be. I think the Browns need to just work on getting Deshaun Watson right in the final 4 games.

tommy estepp

4thFanski killed the momentum on first drive. Love to know the stats on how many he has gotten on crucial drives and ones he hasent. When the flags start flying the Browns roll over as always. Him and Mr Whatever Woods has game plan for first drives only. Worst in-game adjustments ever by any coaching staff!!!!

tommy estepp

FarmTeam 101 at it’s best!!! Way to go Brown’s


This guy has been given top notch talent OBJ,Landry,chubb, and he consistently has teams that woefully under perform. Smart accountable and tough nothing that this team is. Good thing this team plays Saturday so my Sunday can be free so I don’t have to the CLE tryhards lose on Sunday..Andrew berry drafts No pro bowlers no all pro players they are just not a good organization bottom line.

    Blow Me

    you got that right

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