Kevin Stefanski: I’ve been very impressed with Baker | Cleveland Browns – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Munching Ace


Karso Productions

Go browns!!

aces atworcco

This year not next, go Kevin S

Dean Estes

I just want you folks to know that I love my Browns but if BLM and other politics gets injected into football as much as the others sports thus far I will be sitting this season out. Peace


    @Shinkao at least mine weren’t slaves 🤷‍♂️

    Dan 1031

    America bro get out of here

    Jaquasis Gary

    Dean Estes sit out for forever no one cares BLM

    Dan 1031

    America it’s ironic how your name is “America” yet you talk about one set of people in America


    @Dan 1031 which set of people are these?

Hunter Cantwell

Mark kay is such a snack see how she tried to bait coach into the Covid thing when visiting baker. What a loser. GO BROWNS

    Christopher G

    Hunter Cantwell no doubt…asks a question based on previous answer, rather than a prepared question, Queen of creating click bait is…..Mary Kay Clickbait

    Dustin Murphy

    Was nice to see Hooper call her out. All the Browns writers are garbage. They should just let Nate Zegura, and Jimmy Donovan do all the interviews lol

    Dan 1031

    Slimy b……

    Dan 1031

    Dustin Murphy that would be awesome

    K Aguilera


Matt White

I’m glad this team takes its commitment to anti-white politics very seriously on its path to a 4-12 season.

    D.N.A DatNiccAleXXX


    Dan 1031

    Matt White huh? They didn’t, they just referenced equality and it was for the better. It’s funny how you made that “backstory” to your hate, like if you were a Bond villain 😂😂😂

    Dewitt McDidditt

    So by wanting police officers to not kill people, we are anti-white? Bruh what? Lol

    D.N.A DatNiccAleXXX

    Dewitt McDidditt that’s what they do… try to flip the narrative

    Dewitt McDidditt

    @D.N.A DatNiccAleXXX yep

Bexar Brown

Go Browns!!!

Dustin Murphy

I still can’t believe Dorsey picked Kitchens last year. Haslem should have fired him right then and there

    Dan 1031

    Dustin Murphy can’t believe they moved on from Williams. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it. But hey they broke it and now Stef is gonna fix it

Dragonic Overlord The End

Baker is looking better. Almost got his freshman year look back. We’ll see if his time in the hyperbolic time chamber paid off

    Dewitt McDidditt

    Sorry to nitpick buuut…
    “Hyperbolic” lol

    Dragonic Overlord The End

    @Dewitt McDidditt lol I don’t know why my phone put that. But good eye on you. I’ll fix it

    Dewitt McDidditt

    @Dragonic Overlord The End yeah, that happens to me too. Hate when I actually spell something correct and the phone corrects to something that doesn’t even make sense. Lol

    Dragonic Overlord The End

    @Dewitt McDidditt exactly lol but thanks for catching the mistake for me

    Dewitt McDidditt

    @Dragonic Overlord The End yep! np

Joseph Richards

I absolutely love this guy!

Gamerboyxx x

Dawg pound 10-6 to the playoffs

    Mike Thornton

    I feel like this is actually possible this season. Dawg Pound baby!!!

Bobby Mechling

This is next year!!! Let’s GO!!

K Aguilera

GEZUZ MARY K constantly pushing the envelope on questions- GO WORK FOR CNN

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