Kevin Stefanski: “I feel like the team has been recharged during this bye week” – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

was a nice week off from disappointment.

Scott Blenman

Please dont change your play calling when we get the lead


    Exactly, we always get up good with a consistent pass attack mixed in with the run game but then he gets all conservative and goes run run pass and our lead dies..


That Kurt Warner video show alot about Baker.


Felt great not watching garbage this weekend.

James Day

Hard to believe but this Browns team still has a chance to win the division. Ravens injuries are adding up now.

    J Farnsworth

    Don’t be fooled……they do not

    Tony Grossman

    We have to win out or go 4-1. Only game we can drop is the Packers Christmas game. We HAVE to win all of our divisional games. We have to focus and play hard football

    Tony Grossman

    @bandity2k oh ya if we lose next week it’s over, but if we win it will be nice, especially if the Steelers and the Bengals lose next week too


    @patrick sapanaro so I’m stupid for not getting my hopes about this disappointing team? We get 4 INTs and still lose to Baltimore smh as I said I’m not getting my hopes up


    @patrick sapanaro alright man you got it your the number 1 Browns fan in the world who knows all


Everything Seems Impossible..Until Its Done! NELSON MANDELA 🏈πŸ’₯

    K A

    πŸ€£πŸ˜‚… um no they’re not getting in this squad is way to inconsistent

    Dave V

    Mandela never watched the Cleveland Browns play .

    Laura Fanelli

    @Dave V True dat! But He Could Help..He Did Help Overturn an entire nation.. We are looking at a 52-man Squad:))))))))))))))..They like Him LEARNED HOW to OVERCOME the HATERS and WIN!! WIN BIG!!

Jason Petrakos

The kicking game hasn’t been too great the last few games. Is Chase ready for the challenge ahead? He’s missed some key kicks lately that killed momentum.

    Eric Harmon

    Unless your last name is Tucker, no kicker is consistently making 45 yard plus kicks. He also won us a few games with clutch kicks. The entire offense is the real concern.

    Jason Petrakos

    Who cares?? We lost two division games by 11 total points and in each one there were missed FG’s and extra points.

    Eric Harmon

    @Jason Petrakos you are really grabbing at straws. It’s like being worried about steaks burning when your house is on fire. Chase has done good enough. The kicker is not the problem, and if you think he is, how do you solve that? There isn’t anyone sitting out there who will consistently make the 40 yard plus kicks that Chase is being asked to make. The momentum killer is dropping 1st downs on 3rd, not being able to get into the red zone on 4 turnovers.

    Jason Petrakos

    @Eric Harmon am I still grabbing? 50% over the last 12 FG attempts and he’s cost this team 3 wins..

    Eric Harmon

    @Jason Petrakos ya, you are. We make a first down, instead of three predictable running plays, and the game is over. If a kicker misses a game winning field goal, then it’s on the kicker. Not a 47 yarder with two quarters left to play.

Bill Graper

Let’s turn that quote into reality. I don’t want to hear another “We have to play better” & other quotes like that. We hear that every week. Play to your potential & win these games! We have more talent than the Steelers & Ravens. We’re just underperforming.


OHHH NO NO NO.. I’m not falling for the positive Stefanski talk this Week.. He needs to make some serious scheme adjustments, I want to see pistol and shotgun formations and with both RBs on the field at once.. I’ve had enough of seeing Mayfield under center every play, he’s never flourished to his full potential at any point in his career by being under center.. I WANT TO SEE CHUNT IN FULL POWER by having them both on the field at once.. I want Mayfield in Shotgun more, he can see the field better and that’s what he did throughout his college career where he was arguably one of the greatest college QBs of modern times.. I’ve had enough of the tight ends dominating everything, get more Wide Receiver heavy sets so Mayfield can sling it out to them, you coach need to remind Baker of who his true identity is, he’s a gunslinger not a check downer..


    @Ben Shihadeh I did watch that video, best take on the Browns offense I’ve seen all season..

    Jim Harris

    Being positive is great but without making adjustments when some things are obvious is just being blind. And stop with the empty backfield.

    Jim Harris

    @Ben Shihadeh He graduated from Harvard so we know he’s smart. So he must be very stubborn not to be making needed adjustments.

    Bruce Fulton


    Dave V

    finally a Browns fan that actually watches the games….Thank you for existing CancelAnime

Doug Spear

Why are we not running the jet sweep with Chubb and Hunt both on the field at the same time? If the LBs and D-line lines up to the sweep side you fake the sweep and hand it off to Chubb. Or, if the LBs are shifted to the opposite side and the FS is back you run the sweep and give it to Hunt. Depending on the DBs, Baker can pull the ball and throw it if he’s got a favorable matchup and the defense is lined up to stop the run. Worst case he pulls the ball and throws the check down to Hunt who should be open on the flat. That’s 4 plays in one set, but it all starts with Chubb and Hunt and the play calling.

    Doug Spear

    @CancelAnime I don’t know what your comment means and I don’t “listen” to anyone. The Rams, Patriots, and Packers do a good job of doing exactly what I said above and they’re all at the top of the league. I’m just a Browns fan who watches a ton of football.

    Joe Petraiuolo

    I think Schwartz or Landry are a better option for the jet. Otherwise the formation will give away the look.

    Paul Kingsley

    @Dave V So, let me get this straight? Haslam is ordering Stefanski to call bad plays (and hence throw games), and also telling Berry he cannot make certain trades (and hence weaken the team), all so he (Haslam) can sign Mayfield to a less expensive deal? HmmmπŸ€”? That makes perfect sense…. in the mind of a mental patient!

    Lastly…. you state Chubb, Landry, Hunt, Ward, Garrett, and Mayfield (you forgot to mention the offensive line which happened to be the league’s highest graded unit in ’20 + TE room that “collectively” produced over 900 receiving yards + 9 touchdown catches) made Berry and Stefanski “look good”. Well, considering the guys you mentioned, + the ones I rightfully added, accounted for all of the Browns top players in ’20, that actually “would” make sense!

    Doug Spear

    ​@Joe Petraiuolo The formation is the formation, personnel doesn’t matter. The point of that set is so you can hand off to either RB1 on the sweep or RB2 behind the QB in the pistol who runs to the opposite side of the designed sweep, or fake the handoff (both even) and pass it. It’s about reading the defense and looking for the matchup. Once you run it successfully one way you pretend to do the same thing but then run a different option, misdirection is the key not necessarily personnel.


    @Dave V listen I agree Baker hasn’t played well and his team has really underperformed but I wouldn’t go as far as to say the draft picks and free agents haven’t been good. J o k has been phenomenal Newsome has been good Clowney has been really solid McKinley has been good for us I mean you’re not going to hit on every single move you make but Berry drafted well and brought in a lot of quality depth.

Sas Sasins0

Q. What have you put in place to prevent the excessive amount of penalties that the team are giving away?

Gregory Libra

The old saying QBs get to much credit and to much blame. The Browns avg. 10 points the last three games, adjustments are mandatory.

Devjarel Jones

Is it just me or has it been awhile since we’ve seen Kevin have a smile on his face? He looks rejuvenated Go Browns!

    Dave V

    That’s because he didn’t have to explain another stupid loss this weekend. This coach is part of the reason the season sucks so far. His schemes blow and he gambled field goals away that cost us in three games. Now he’s smiling…What did he do this season? He kept Woods and continues to forget about Chubb and Hunt…

Mark Bowman

I love Stefanskis little “laugh” at the beginning when they said “I’m sure you missed us”…it did not sound like he missed them.

Jeff Love

Stop giving up on running the ball!!! Establish the run then have success passing. I don’t think it’s that hard to figure out we have better running backs than WRs no disrespect Landry big fan.

    Jim Harris

    And stop with the empty backfield. The defense already knows what your vanilla offense is probably going to do without telling them your definitely going to have your hurt QB pass the ball to receivers who can’t get separation.


I have a feeling Stefanski plans on having no WRs on offense and introducing the first ever 5 wide set with all TEs and Baker will be showing off an all new 10 step drop while doing the moonwalk. The Ravens won’t know what hit em!

    Captain Ricco

    If only someone in the right place hears your story. Make it so!!! Go Cleveland!

Kenneth Emery

Come in all happy, that would be great if you could feel the determination and intensity needed REQUIRED as a competitive team. Everyone on here falling for the same ole shite Stephanie has been telling us. Smdh. Gullible folks, he got you all hook line and sinker. B-more gonna roll Cleveland because they will be ready.

f conzo

WR woes and no use of both backs in the backfield , a suspect kicking game as well key
injuries on both lines. How can all 3 systems be in synch coach?
No way we can excuse all the penalties-so there is the cherry(bomb) on top.

Dave V

Somebody remind the coaching staff ten times before gameday that Nick Chubb and Kareem Hunt are on his team and he needs to give them the rock if he can understand that. I know we don’t have for high expectations of coaches in Cleveland, Ohio. The city that had the greatest running back ever Kevin Stefanski.


I’m going to predict the score : Browns 24 and Ravens 22 …..πŸ˜‚

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