Kevin Stefanski expresses importance of teamwork in the community at Zelma George Recreation Center – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
ayo shao

look at stefanski man so inspirational

James Day

Heโ€™s such a great head coach for us for the longterm.

Light of The Olive

What yawl have realize is that is the hood literally so much respect to coach because They don’t normally get that blessing

Deion Blackwell

K den Kev in da hood! My old stopping grounds. U ainโ€™t from Cleveland if u ainโ€™t been der!

    Dicken Nuggets


    Deion Blackwell

    @Dicken Nuggets must not be from here

Anthony Voss

I’m proud on the Browns going out to encourage the kids to stay on the right track….I for one grew up going to that park and I remember Browns players coming to the neighborhood back then too..m

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