Kevin O’Connell: With Where We’re Headed, We Know We Have To Play Better Football – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Grim trazzd

We need to play like how we did in the third and fourth from now on, we have to otherwise the giants will squash us

    Travis Lee

    No they won’t

    Grim trazzd

    @Travis Lee well we said that about the colts, we saw what could have happened


    @Travis Lee This is exactly what happened against the cowboys, we come off a crazy game and have an emotional hangover and then we lost by 37

AtheismRules ☠️

I agree coach. W or L we gotta play better than before.

With that said, THANKS COACH FOR MAKING US THE KINGS OF THE NORTH 🙌🏻🙏🏻❄️⛓️🤘🏻🐐 and thanks for making my first time at the stadium a memorable one

Jeremy Cagle

I love this team and it’s determination! Great job Kevin! SKOL! 💯

Mitig Inini

Less negative plays on offense and less soft coverage on defense. More man coverage and blitz If they get burned they get burned because you’re already getting burned enough as it is

    Derek Baker

    I agree 100% regarding the need for the defence to be much more aggressive. IMHO, what the defence demonstrated on Saturday was that the skillsets and ‘personalities’ of the players on defence are most suited to being ‘play wreckers’ & allowing the veteran LBs/DBs to be savvy & judicious in both blitzing & coverage. The super-passive ‘Don-a-Shell Defence’ does nobody on defence any favours, because it does not utilize the strengths of the players on the roster, but it does do a lot of favours for the opposing offence by giving it the easiest route to safely gaining big chunks of yardage on first and second down.

    Mitig Inini

    @Derek Baker the only thing is if they can convince that stubborn old man of a defensive coordinator

Darik Wise

Love the interview, but KOC sounds tired and I’m worried about a post Bills type hangover again.

    nicholas crapser

    Let’s hope not my heart can’t handle that let down

    Derek Baker

    @nicholas crapser lol. On Sunday, I was telling someone that IMHO the Wilfs need to buy every Vikings fan a defibrillator before the playoffs begin! lol

    The Superior Affection

    @Derek Baker Cheaper to teach them old school Chris Farley’s SNL Da Bears fan guy slamming his own chest during his many baby heart attacks. 🤣

    The Superior Affection

    @Derek Baker

William Rabjohn

KOC and Kwesi are the best things that could have happened to this organization. Skol!

    Tyler Bebensee

    I like Kwesi from a personality and culture perspective but we can’t really judge a GM until they’ve been with the team for like 3 years (though I give him huge props for the Hockenson trade)

Keng Yang

Throw the Red flag ….still weak

    Travis Lee

    What are u talking about

Evan Downs

Man I miss Courtney

    Derek Baker

    I agree 100%. Courtney really knows the game, and she always asked excellent questions, including posing ‘tough’ questions in a very diplomatic manner. I don’t know if Courtney’s move to Chicago was part of a promotion or not (.. it would be a well-deserved promotion if she indeed got one..), but I bet she has been wishing she could come back to Minnesota to cover this version of the Vikings!

    Briana W

    I only occasionally see her on ESPN Around the Horn

Aenoy Phothirath

Mannn… If I had a mentor like KOC in high school lol.. skol!! Coach of the year

KingBing Entertainment

We have a great chance to have a very special season. We can increase that chance greatly by getting to the QB more often and protecting our qb more often. SKOL!!!!!!

    Derek Baker

    Yes indeed! The old saying, “The game is won and lost in the trenches.” has never ceased to be true!

K Vang

Maybe I should get a Viking Jersey #00 that says O’Connell. SKOL😈

Booya Outdoors

If this man wins us a superbowl.. which I feel he will. I want a Statue of him in front of the bank! Man will be A legend forever in the state of mn! Then we better start thinking of what streets we are going to rename after KOC, and cousins

Derek Baker

I sure as heck hope that Kwesi A-M and KO’C send a letter to the league head office asking for an explanation for why the [bleep] Gilmore’s obvious intentional helmet-to-head contact on Jefferson did not result in an ejection. I was absolutely livid when I saw that there was only a 15yd penalty. There is no doubt in my mind that Gilmore was guilty of “targetting”!


Good for coach to identify and call out the hits on Justin seem intentional at times.

Hue Yang

Why can’t you get going early and not late in games?


Faith is the Belief you could come back from a game like that and be as good as you were in the second half. The reward of Faith and hard work is seeing it come to pass. It gives a whole new level of confidence and belief. Many fans and even some players probably hit bottom after the first half and the start of the 3rd Quarter. Even though we were a 10 and 3 team. Then we got a real taste of greatness and this team’s true potential. The Faith of a few can raise the faith of many. I believe this is a turning point for this team and they will step up to another level going forward. Skol Vikings 💜


Crazy this guy is year 1 head coach. Only better from here!!

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