Kevin O’Connell on Competition at Center, Updates on Injured Players, Greg Joseph’s Strong Camp – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Joeys best shots

Can’t wait to see you on the feld skop



    Joeys best shots

    @Whats2Give that’s what I said

Austin Chekal

Anyone else have to have their volume up all the way in order to listen to it? Almost watched with subtitles the whole time …


    @Pᴀᴡɴ S𝜏ᴀʀ𝕤 ✯🇫​ᴀɴ babe…

    Raymond Hoagland

    @Fyurius Ryage I have my speakers are at 25% and I hear it good there

    Jordan Johnson

    Volume all the way up, and then got an unprompted “O O O Oreillyyyyy” that blew out my ear drums.


    First time watching a vikings media vid huh?

    Plasma Masma

    Volume is absolutely perfect!

N Wilson

Very very excited for this year. I see this year as the one where the building blocks are put in place. Hopefully this team can make the playoffs in a couple seasons!

Darth Bobo

What’s up with the volume.

Tim 4cn

Look Kevin you can lie to the press and the national media but most people who know football like me… aren’t buying the Bradbury has a good anchor bullshux 😒.. I still think you should grab jc Tretter or work in Davis or Reed at right Gaurd and then use wyatt davis or E Ingram for center… your offensive line is as strong as the weakest link and Garrett Bradbury is not only the Weakest link.. he’s a Liability and he will be game planed for.. easy pressure up the middle is Kirk’s worst enemy… if you want to WIN bench the marshmallow and put a mauler in.. GEEZE LOUISE

    Seal Train

    He’s not gonna read this

    Smitty Werben Jaggerman-Jensen

    Also need to read between the lines, he more or less said Bradbury can be good at times but still needs to get pass pro right. Competition is still open and Bradbury as Starter for week one is NOT safe. KO is just smart enough to not say Bradbury is a problem in front of the media.

    Jesse DB Dallenbach

    hey guys tim knows football (sure jan). Bradbury will be replaced if he blows the coaches will make the right choice.

    Joe Monoco

    I don’t think he’s necessarily lying to the media. Look, this is a guy on his team and he has to work with. It wouldn’t serve any purpose to throw him under the bus. kevin knows he needs to make a change and he will, but there is no purpose in telling the media that now.


    As a guy that knows football, how good is Tretter? Seems like he had a hard time holding down his spot even when he managed to stay healthy.


Please turn up the volume, Minnesota Vikings.

Go Biggy Go

Yeah the volume is horrible they just be plug and playing… lmao

Scott Pearson

No mention of Wyatt Davis, unless I missed it, very disappointing to see that player not rise further up that depth chart.

    Grant Mourning

    Wyatt Davis looked like trash the day he put on purple. I swear at ohio state he looked bigger and stronger. Last year he looked small and weak. He just doesnt hold his ground. If i were wyatt i would have spent all offseason getting bulked up.

Ryan Damon

What about lrv smith jr

Joey Pesek

The guy is 6’5 get a bigger microphone stand please

joe larkin

Max volume still can barely hear him

Anthony Luppino

I want one of those jackets hella bad

Steven Bailey


tom hardy

Can you guys please turn up the volume someday!?!?

Donna Weichert

Vikings need to turn up your volume. Have mine up all the way can’t hear you very good at all. Thank You


Please fix the microphone issue. It’s inaudible.


Do something with the volume guys

A Jonesy

You can take 4 different 300 lb centers and you will have 4 different levels of strength. I’m sorry, Bradbury can have great technique but he just doesn’t have the strength. Anyone who has watched him the last couple years see it. He will never be strong enough to play center at the NFL level. If you do not fix this now, then don’t complain when your offense turns to doggie doo because Cousins is getting pressured up the middle every play. Nobody understands why KOC is being stubborn about this. It will be his loss!!

Albert Cato

You would think after all the complaints about the low audio, it would be fixed by now…GEEZ!!!

Derek Alan

Please. Fix. The. Volume.
(Edit): An advertisement came on full blast and now I am deaf.

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