Kenny Golladay on Keeping Focus on Eagles | New York Giants – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Kenny Golladay on Keeping Focus on Eagles | New York Giants

Wide receiver Kenny Golladay speaks to the media after Wednesday's practice.

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I wanna see this man succeed so bad.

    JJ G

    It seems to me he hasn’t put forth much of an effort since he signed the big contract with the Giants. That’s not the kind of guy I root for.

    JJ G

    @Divine Spiritual Guidance Why does he deserve it?

    FrostSoma Luu

    He is definitely succeeded by blocking more for other players

    dominick virgilio

    @JJ G Me either, you can’t blame it on Daboll because he wan’t here last year, something happened or something changed in him, i don’t know why the Lions let him go with all the talent he has but yeah the effort has not been their, i just hope he gets in there on saturday and starts proving the doubters wrong he’s a Giant so i root for him!


    I will lose my mind if he catches another touchdown against Philly this weekend

Aaron Paul

Sounds like a professional to me.

Gabriel Mejia-Pedroza

Let this man come back and become Daniels Number 1 or 2 receiver 💪💪💪💪

    Scottie Som

    couldn’t agree more

Philip Wu Jr.

Seems like a good dude and teammate. Hopefully, he get targeted this Saturday.


I guess the jersey company didn’t expect the giants to make the playoffs lol


    hahaha I saw that too… Funny Stuff…..


    I literally paused the video JUST TO READ THE SIGN 😂😂😂😂😂

    ANO NYm


    Mike D

    The sign was there last game to.. so I guess they’re wearing the same jerseys from last week.

    Dynamite Dingo

    What you mean?

Boe Jiden

Please throw him an endzone pass. He did it week 18 and i believe he can do it again.

    big gucci

    forsureskii try slay again


We are coming for ya.. Eagles should be a little worried… Kenny Stay Solid My Brother we are going to “NEED you! GO BLUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!💙

Bobby Ackerson

Such a pro after all he’s been through, lock in Kenny, we still need you bro!!!

    Rigoberto Degracia

    No we don’t

    big gucci

    @Rigoberto Degraciashut up dork yes we do


If I see Kenny catch a ball this weekend I’m gonna be electric

Chris Campana

I got to apologize to Kenny. Especially after that blocking he was doing in the Minnesota game. He’s had a great career with Detroit.

Nameless Grifter 2

Hell of a statement block on Sunday. Glad his heart is still in it. Here’s to his future success for the rest of the year.

James Nason

I’m still rooting for you Golladay! And I still think we find out he isn’t fully recovered from the off season surgery. He could have given up, not be out there blocking, the coaches all say he does everything they ask (perhaps coach speak for he’s working with sports science/recovery trainers), etc.

This coaching staff got the best from everyone except Golladay and Toney. I believe one of those players actually is trying and the other isn’t on our team.

Brandon Guillette

Show us more Kenny, you got it in you as we all know, the time is now.

Janni IV

I wish him all the best bro. I hope he gets more snaps and stays with us next year.

Sohel Hussain

You can see he’s in a better place and appreciating the positive energy about the block, etc. rooting for him and to get more snaps. Esp if he’s playing like that.


Let’s go KG! We rooting for you bro 🔥

Henry Budhram

Rooting for him and his dedication should be rewarded

Kenji Mapes

Golloday might have underachieved performance wise but to his credit he has stayed professional & maintained a positive attitude. Unlike the curious case of head case & disgruntled Kadarius Toney who despite receiving a clean slate from the new GM & Head Coach decided to go scorched earth & ran himself out of town. Golloday hasn’t pointed fingers, cast blame, rocked the boat or caused distractions. I was happy to see him grinding & contributing to our playoff victory. Now since he has stayed focused & working hard, I cannot imagine him not eventually contributing more. I think he could have a big breakout game when we need it the most. He still has the size, speed & skills. There’s no reason for him not to have a big game. I can see a 100yd+ & multi-TD day from him. How sweet would that be? He just needs that confidence boost back & feel a part of it. If he could do it next game, that would be epic.

Keep grinding & good things will come. Life is tough & unfair. The NFL is a tough microcosm of life. I hope Kenny can contribute & find some joy knowing he helped Big Blue.

Let’s Go Giants!

JoJo Freelancer

Hopefully he has good week of practice and maybe he can help the team this week one of very few players not on NYG that I allowed myself to pull for. I’m super disappointed at how its been here but still seems good ppl

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