Karl Joseph Conference Call – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

I think he’ll be a great impact player on the defense I see him as starting SS and we’ll draft someone to play opposite at FS hopefully Delpit falls or Winfield is there

    Tevin Prejean

    LimitlessPotential or Ashtyn Davis

    Jim Harris

    Seems like a unselfish person who wants to play for the love of the game and go where he’s wanted.

    Chucky Martin

    @Tevin Prejean that’s what i am hoping for

Tevin Prejean

My favorite signing this kid about to kill our opponents I can’t wait “Baby Sean Taylor “.

Kyle Damron

Thank you for all your years in silver and black I will miss you on the team. Good luck in Cleveland


This guy can be a very good player if he stays healthy, that’s the key.

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