Justin Simmons on Dak Prescott: ‘He reads defenses really well’ – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Twin Moore

🗑🗑🗑🗑🗑🗑 Simmons.


    Is he not good? I don’t know much about him all I’ve heard is that he’s a Pro Bowl Safety lol

    Daniel Padilla

    @Kassius he’s an All-Pro.


    @Kassius he’s a top 3 safety in the league. Arguably the best safety in the league. These garbage people who call themselves “fans,” are toxic af and embarrassing. Even worse they don’t understand football yet say ignorant b.s. There have been some plays that appeared to be Simmons fault, to someone who doesn’t know anything. In fact, it was someone else not being where they were supposed to be or didn’t understand leverage. Simmons is just the last line of defense so it seems it’s him regardless.

    Jacob Fillinger

    lol casual.

Kevin Hughes

He’s blessed to have a job making millions and not performing.


    Jesus. Really hope you don’t call yourself a Bronco’s fan. The toxicity around the whole “fan base” is disgusting and embarrassing. Also, you clearly don’t understand defenses if you think Simmons is to blame for more than a play or two. More often than not it was someone else not doing their job or understanding leverage. Watch some film and learn about football. Even then doesn’t give you the right to be a crap fan.

    The Fredzilla

    7 tackles, 2 interceptions. Yeah. Not performing. He’s rated as one of the best free safeties in the nfl for the 3rd year in a row, you soft brain.

    Jacob Fillinger

    Lol, casual fan. He’s been one of our most consistent players on defense. Understand football before you rattle off ignorant comments.


Justin Simmons is still a top 3 safety in the league. These toxic people who call themselves “fans” are embarrassing at this point. Denver media definitely doesn’t help. I know I’m a much better fan now that I have perspective, am not swamped with negative media b.s. and ignorant “fans” who don’t know a damned thing about football. Most the plays that people think are Simmons fault are in fact not him at all. That’s what happens when you have a bunch of arm chair Qb’s and Karen’s thinking they know anything about football. All but one or two plays were other db’s not being where they were supposed to be or not understanding leverage. Simmons is just last line of defense. It’s kinda like a goalie in soccer; the ball has to go through 10 other players before it gets to the goalie. So is it always the goalies fault when a goal gets scored?🤔 Definitely not….

Fredrox 4653

Hey admin……….the volume has been terrible lately in the interviews

Michael Buchanan

Blow out 41-10 cowboys

    Michael Buchanan

    @James Davis salty boy

    James Davis

    @Michael Buchanan not at all but you have no idea who will win boy…

TheRealChosen1 _

Just let dem boyz win y’all needa tank 💯💯

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