Justin Herbert Postgame Press Conference vs Browns | LA Chargers – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Not perfect but it’s not easy winning in the NFL. Plenty of improvements that can be made but take the W

Andre Ecija

Great Job Herbert


    Calm down he only threw for 228 yards and 1td.

    Andre Ecija

    I know man

    David Torres Alcazar

    @Anthony a win is a win


    @David Torres Alcazar first off I never said a win isn’t a win? I just said Herbert didn’t play amazing lol. Plus does your saying also apply to Staley trying to throw the game?😂

    Los C.

    @Anthony Staleys call was hot dog 💩, but I’d take a balance offense and a W, over a Herb HOF performance and a L any day⚡️⚡️⚡️

Michael Hodges

What happened to giving reporters mics during press conferences? Literally can’t hear the questions consistently anymore

    Michael Hodges

    @Jared Palomar I mean during the off preseason and ota’s they gave them mics to ask they can do it it just hasn’t been good during the season so far



    Steven Nava

    @Jared Palomar I think he’s asking because they had started doing it earlier in the season


    The zoom meeting were nice u can hear everything

Larry Castro

Let’s works on stopping the running games shall we, tell coach Staley he owes York some beers!! It was a wide wide County @ Cleveland!!🤣⚡️⚡️

Lauren Brown

herbert didn’t play elite today (like he is) but he gave us the shot we needed to win !!! hope you are healing fast Justin…those runs were great today, i’d love to see more of them if you keep yourself from getting injured further 🙂

    Emmanuel Vazquez

    Facts i rather see the Run than him hold the ball and throw it, dont want him to get hurt


    Yeah he was off but there were 3-4 drops as well. Idk if that effects a qb’s rhythm or not.
    Ek showed up big time

    Brandon Mitchell

    Ekeler balled! He didn’t have to for a fucking change! About time, Herbert got a break

    Bill Smith

    Rather him get the win and play ok than having him throw 400 yds and lose

    Robert D.

    @Bill Smith Billy ? Throw for 400 yards & lose ? What game ARE you talking about ? 1st of all Herbert has NEVER thrown for 400 yards , EVER in the NFL . And I’m pretty sure with Joe’s play calling , that may NEVER happen !

Ripple me this 2022

Herbert the glue of this team

    Ripple me this 2022

    @Jordan Johnson who then Lombardi…

    Collin Reilly

    @Jordan Johnson ??

    Jordan Johnson

    I change my mind, Herbert is the glue of that team. /

    Los C.

    @Jordan Johnson Yo, JJ, back yo sh*t up!

chauncey williams

Where would we be without Herbert?


    Same place, away from playoff contention

    troy saul


    Galatians 5:16

    0 n 4




    Mean 0-5


As a Browns fan, good game Chargers!

    Isaiah Salazar

    Coach Staley had me 💩 pants haha

    Michael Sears

    You guys pulled a chargers. Having your kicker miss two and then lose by a few points… I’ve felt that pain many times as a chargers fan unfortunately. It was kinda nice being on the other side for a change.

    Rahh Emm

    @Michael Sears facts!

Jason P

It’s extremely hard to win in today’s NFL. Every game practically comes down to just a few plays. There’s no such thing as a bad win.

    Aaron Attias

    A wins a win. But we are now 5 games into a season. That’s when you learn about a team. And I think as charger fans. We know we have a huge hole in pass and run defense . They don’t compliment eachother . Jc looks horrible. Straight up. Decision making was awful by Staley. You don’t trust the defense we spent 100 million on . We can get run on and dominated if the offense isn’t perfect . That’s something to be upset about.

    Aaron Attias

    For example if we play the titans in the playoffs . We most likely aren’t going to win.


    There is such a thing as bad decision making though


    @Aaron Attias or the Ravens or the browns again

Brad Makap

This team is nothing I repeat NOTHING without this man

    D B

    Then make the playoffs. Y’all made it without him 3 years ago

    Los C.

    @D B u seen the coaching decisions made today? 1st Lynn, now Staley, this is why, not Herb

Original One

I’m glad we got the Win.
Herbert and Ekeler MVPs
Alohi Gilman INT was the play of the game in the 4th quarter also Ekeler, Herbert, Williams had a great game but Staley definitely doesn’t deserve a game ball he literally almost lost the game with that stupid 4th down pointless decision should’ve punted Cleveland had zero timeouts.
Staley was the reason almost lost the game.
Sure the Cleveland Browns kicker missed the field goal but
Kudos to the Defense Staley put the Defense in a bad position and they stopped Cleveland from advancing forcing the field goal kick.
Let’s Go Los Angeles battle Chargers!

    Robert D.

    Browns kicker missed 2 FG”S ? Also were was Michael Bandy at & Everett ?

Jonathan Garcia

Had my royal #10 jersey on at work, love this team and the ugly af win is what builds us better…stomach was in shambles on salesfloor 🤣🤣🤣

Rich R.

I understand the reason for wanting to get the first down and ending the game, but not on your own side of the field. Even Keenan Allen tweeted out “WTF are we doing”.

    Telegram Me@Official_LosAngeleschargers

    Acabas de ganar 🏅⬆️⬆️


Big W proud of you herbert

    Telegram Me@Official_LosAngeleschargers

    You’ve won something⬆️⬆️⬆️

Anthony ToTo

Nice job Justin. Little tip from the bottom of my heart that next time when game’s on the line… turn your helmet speaker off.

    Telegram Me@Official_LosAngeleschargers

    You’ve won something⬆️⬆️⬆️

Brenden Willis

If we establish a run game every game and Keenan comes back while everyone healthy now stays healthy….. we’ll go on a long win streak

    Telegram Me@Official_LosAngeleschargers

    You’ve won something⬆️⬆️⬆️


When the offense blocks like they did with very good play calling this offense is good to go. Good job Coach Lombardi the play calling and formations have made the offense explode. Ive given you hell in the past but i will give you props.


Can we just get Hebert a real coach an experienced one

    Telegram Me@Official_LosAngeleschargers

    You’ve won something⬆️⬆️⬆️

Steve Parish

Never seems rattled, upset or that any moment is too big for him. And he’s playing for the only team he’s ever wanted to play for. A truly dream scenario for him, the team and its fans. We need to enjoy this while it lasts, which is hopefully for the next decade+!

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