Justin Fields on loss to Buffalo Bills | Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Don Wanderley

The Bears 🐻 have no talent.

Brandon Johnson

QB 1❗️The future is bright Bears fans..

    Jeff Lipinski

    nah lol


Fields is the Spark that will make BEARS Football Prosper, Looking forward to the Future πŸ§‘πŸ’™πŸˆπŸ»β¬‡οΈπŸ™πŸΎ

    Amahd Cole


    Jeff Lipinski

    Yeah to 3 and 12 again next year

    Jeff Lipinski

    Yeah to 3 and 12 again

Gary Crook

Merry Christmas, QB1 – go bears…


🏈 Shut down JF QB1

Peter Rodriguez

They have zero talent in that team. Need to build
Around this kid. Follow the Bills model.


We got Herbert and Montgomery back. Getsy told him don’t run and let the Running Backs do their job.
It was totally obvious what was going on. Not to mention they were tanking

    Javhon Sago

    Yeah. Preserving him was priority. Good health for next year. F a record or two


    Yeah for sure. I think they need to do everything to get Saquon Barkley if the Giants don’t extend him.

Tim Ashenfelter

Bills fan here and love what I have seen from JF, as a fan I was concerned with the Bills D containnig him. He’s a player to continue to build around and get some more offensive players for him and I can see a lot of positives. He reminds me in ways of Allen just need to get him more weapons and the staff not force him into robot QB ball and let his skill flow

    Snthony Rice

    @jasper Jankins everything like what you fake fan jf has no weapons dont forget Allen threw 2 interceptions and jf none you fake fan

    Kyle Gordon

    @jasper Jankins Read dude read….. Fields looks like young Josh Allen right now not the current one

    Javhon Sago

    Let him fliw

    Tim Ashenfelter

    @jasper Jankins not yet nobody said now

    RAB 556

    @jasper Jankins Just an incompetent comment! Go upstairs and eat dinner, your Mom’s calling you!!

anthony hahn

If the Bears follow our model from 2019 onward Fields will be fine . Good game !

    Jeff Lipinski

    your dreamin lol
    Fields is the problem bigtine

Amahd Cole

We going to be a good team going into next season this time with more talent but it’s going to take time


That was a hard game to watch. Justin didn’t look good. The defense was on and off. Coaching was again unadjusted at halftime. I’m not as positive as apparently other fans. Justin can be good, in fact he is, but he needs to get going now. He needs to forget the Nagy era and start trusting his arm again

    Daniel Hruskocy

    Kinda hard to get anything going when you’re playing with a practice squad offense line and 4/5th string wrs

    Snthony Rice

    @Daniel Hruskocy that what I said these fake fans are funny


    @Snthony Rice how am I a fake fan? I’ve been watching the bears for every year of my life. Merry Christmas to you too


It doesn’t matter how good Justin Fields is. Luke Getsy calls the shots.

    Jeff Lipinski

    Justin Fields is bad real bad

jasper Jankins

I see this guy putting himself over constantly in games. He has open receiver’s but, he keeps running trying to bump his stats. How many 100 yard passing games this year ? Seems like he can’t understand the concept of winning games, especially in the 3rd and 4th quarter.

    Snthony Rice

    What open receivers

Joshua P

JF needs to go through his progressions… too many pass plays he stares down the initial read.


Dope fit jus

God’s World

Hmmm πŸ€” And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of god is shed abroad in are heats by the Holy Spirit which is given onto us.
Stay humble Justin, the lord is in front of you. πŸ˜‡ happy holidays, to you and the Chicago Bears.

Steve Arkie

Local high school team could did better .

Pawel Tylman

Justin is the franchise qb for the bears poles needs to build around him with he dose that fields will have much better year next year justin is our guy

    Jeff Lipinski



Michael Adkins

Jimmy G coming to Chicago next season QB 2!!! Go Bears!!!!

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