Justin Fields on improvements: ‘I can see the field better’ | Chicago Bears – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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I hope fields becomes a great qb

    Tyler Miller

    @John Smith lol ur jealous u aren’t as good at football as him and don’t make as much money. Wa wa wa


    @John Smith 🤓🤓🤓

    Brandon Enoksen

    @John Smith have you even seen some of the throws that’s this guy can make? if you even had watched a little bit of him at Ohio state this man could throw bombs down the field it’s the inept play calling making him run for his life. To many rpo’s and these skimpy play action 10 yard routes. Get a new coach and he will develop into an amazing qb.

    Thomas Gena

    @John Smith Sign your name to that John — if “John Smith” is your real name!

    Thomas Gena

    @Brandon Enoksen 100% Truth.
    Help is on the way!



Brandon Dorsey

“he’s coached me to the best of his abilities”. Tell us coach Nagy is a mediocre coach without saying that he is mediocre…lol

    Joey M

    lmao i said same thing when he said that

CW Moss

This is the same way Narnians felt when they put the Beaver in charge.

    Thomas Gena

    “Ward, I’m worried about the Beaver.” June Cleaver (1958)

Jon Jones

Trey looked good in sf. I know he has a better offense but Let’s go Justin.

    Robert Butler Jr

    Trey looked weak. All the time in the world to throw and still threw picks.


    Way better offense…


Lets go justinnnn, OUR COME BACK KID WILL BE KNOWN 💯🐻🐻

Brandon Levingston

“Happy I got to experience this first year with him…” tells me he knows Nagy gone!!


Future of this team

David Wallace

He says (you know) alot lol

    Dale Sweeney

    And “um” haha. Im sure he’ll grow out of it.

Seth Butler

I know this dudes gonna be great. 🖕 the haters.

Amahd cole

They got to get justin fields a smart head coach the can develop the quarterback

    Thomas Gena

    It’s coming.


We better get Justin a hell of a head coach, I have so much faith in this guy and I hope we go to the playoffs next season. 🤞🏻🔥

    Dhillon 22G

    If y’all can get another good o line man y’all defense is scary and a good coach y’all could be a deep playoff team with fields off season progression

    Jim George

    @Dhillon 22G great comment. I totally agree. Whennit comes to the offesive line you might have good players on that line but even if just one person on that line stinks it can destroy the entire line play. I agree with everything you said.

    Jim George

    I have so much faith in him as well. He’s so even-kelled wether the bears lose or win, wether they play bad or good he doesn’t get to high or to low and that’s such a muture attitude that some players never achieve.


    I really think Josh McDaniels can maximize not only just Justin but our entire offense

Oliver Lacey

Bruh up there looking like Strangè from the movie Boomerang 🎥


Nagy failed this entire team. The fact that their broadcasting club dub during s losing season is a joke.

j mon3y

Go bears 🐻

T Pennix

Damn shame how many haters this young man had after being setup for failure this season as a rookie. Keep Ballin brah, next coach going to help you shut them haters up. Bear down

    T Pennix

    @Tea Gene I’m a Mitch fan, kid had talent. His talent however doesn’t match fields, speed nor arm talent. Remer mitch went in halfway through rookie season then had full.offseason repa before he got in. Fields had zero off season first team reps, thrown in Browns game with shytty plan. Little early to make any judgment on his skill or compare the two qbs.

    zazie da beast

    @The BrotherHood Sports how? You’re always saying how he sucks. Even with A veteran like Dalton at QB the offense still looks shity. Field’s is a rookie with a team that’s going through a rebuild. I’ve watched Field’s rally hus team to win with dropped or tipped passes and missed kicks and missed calls. I watched his coach tell Fields to throw the ball because Nagy thought it was a free play twice…

    zazie da beast

    @Tea Gene  definitely didn’t have more weapons than Trubisky, he’ll Trubisky line was way better and Robinson actually wanted to play.

    zazie da beast

    @Tea Gene  what? You said Fields sucks and then you went into a spill of why the team is bad because of dropped passes and the oline.

Brandon Johnson


Odalys Gutierrez

Let’s have some fun and win some Super Bowls back2back !!

George Ibarra

still our QB 1

    zazie da beast

    Lmfao… Nagy had the Audacity to ask George should he start Fields 😤. Hell even McCaskey said that was an unsettling question.


Be well brother Justin. Have a great off season. Much love

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