Josh Jacobs Knows He’s a Game-Changer, All Eyes on MNF vs. Saints | Las Vegas Raiders – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Daniel Ruiz

Here before 50k cliam here

    felix savella

    I’m thinking Coach Gruden might call “99 Bunch Crunch” a play he called for Charlie Garner against the Jets, AFC Championship game

michael wallace

That’s My Boy. Jacob’s let’s get it RFL

David Lopez


Jose Perales

Not the biggest, fastest, strongest but he works the HARDEST. Commitment to Excellence . A true Raider 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️

Michael Fair

Good will be exploited if you don’t give him some help against the Saint’s pass rush if you think I’m wrong…your lying to yourselves and Monday will be your 1st loss…fix it now or your DOOMED….times a factor.

    Mr. KMC

    The line can handle their rush. They’ll need to blitz to get pressure exposing their safeties to deep speed

    Cali RAIDER

    u right

    Richard Graham Raiders Predator

    I disagree completely. Josh has very good speed and have you missed him breaking through tackles?


I love you Josh I’m gonna name my kid Josh

Michael Fair

Jacob’s will have a hard time running sweeps and toss plays on Goods side at right tackle cause he is not as good as Simpson who is a rookie and Sam young who unfortunately injured which will make Jacob’s game kinda one dimensional if i can figure it out so will the Raiders next 4 oppenets…but you’ll all see for yourselves starting this Monday against the Saint’s…might wanna fix your defensive play calling…use the other CORDINATOR Rod…pick up Free agent FS Eric Reid..bring back Burfict and Prince and you might survive the next 4 games…if not ..don’t be shocked if you’re not bringing home the WINS…good luck gentlemen.

    Richard Graham Raiders Predator

    You have to be a Saints fan. Oh yeah isn’t Thomas out? 🤣🤣🤣


Superstar in the making

Cali Loyalty

I got this mans jersey.


Remember last year when he got so upset that he couldn’t play? That’s when I knew this young man was going to do great things!!

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