Jonathan Gannon: “Got to Continue to Play Good Football” | Philadelphia Eagles Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Jonathan Gannon: “Got to Continue to Play Good Football” | Philadelphia Eagles Press Conference

Philadelphia Eagles Defensive Coordinator talks to the media about the importance of continually improving, details the challenges that the Houston Texans offense poses, and gives an injury update on defensive tackle Jordan Davis.

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Rayo valenzuela got ko by a bum

Who cares trade for hunt now


    *This Isn’t Madden… Go Back To Playing Video Games Nerd*

    Rayo valenzuela got ko by a bum

    @Kuollut you’re 40 start preparing for the retirement home

    Tony Stark



    @Rayo valenzuela got ko by a bum *You’re A Manchild Still Living With Your Mother That Plays Video Games All Day Long… Ohhhh Don’t Be Late For Dinner!!! (Your Mother Cooked You Pizza Rolls)*

    Erin Donofri

    It was never going to happen.




    Dude a teddy gram u probably one too why u like him so much


    @=Ceez= ….He has the most talent on his defense in the League. This defense should be the number one defense in the NFL.

    Carson Wentz

    We’re 7-0.
    Defense and turnovers are a part of the reason why we are


    @Carson Wentz …..Yeah your bum butt helped a lot with those defensive stats.


    @OfficialXhill I don’t like him so much lol I appreciate the good job he’s done with this defense n I’m gonna give him his credit unlike ungrateful clowns like you were 7-0 you can talk about o the opponents this n that talent this n that he’s calling the plays on D period n he’s done GREAT. Spoiled brat🤫

Unspoken Words

This guy is a genius!!! But, his play calling is soft.. Bury the opps!!! Be aggressive. Leave them with no hope🤬🤬🤬


    He ain’t no genius that’s a teddy gram being saved by talent & sorry teams to scheme against call a spade a spade

    Carson Wentz

    No. Scoring in the NFL is WAY down this year, why? Because teams are taking away the deep threat. Making offenses go 10+ plays and holding the opponents to 3pts in the red zone instead of 7pts.
    If they stop playing “soft” other teams will hit home runs.
    Defense has the advantage in the red zone because of the short field. Better to give up underneath and let a team into the red zone then get beat over the top. That’s what the eagles did with AJ last game and see how that worked out for the Steelers.


    U soft too we got the best cb duo stop playing sweet u couldn’t be my dc either lames lol

    Unspoken Words

    @OfficialXhill I’m an Eagles fan… dobi. We need to pressure more. That’s all I said


If there is one thing Gannon is really good at it’s taking away the best weapon that the opposition has. He forces them to beat the Eagles with someone else. That’s a good coordinator.


    @6971robi well I guess our elite defense has been “struggling” every game lol


    @Slicks117…The 2nd half Dallas game, the 2nd half Detroit game and the 2nd half Arizona game. Besides 6th Cousins those were the best quarterbacks we faced.

    kitdacraze Philly the Kraze

    Naw that’s why they bring the best cbs and DBs to put right schemes

    iShine 101

    Wants he plays man press zone consistently will be a top 3 defense in all categories!


    @iShine 101 ….This defensive coach’s problem is game day adjustments.

Alonzo Romero

Johnny Mac asked Jody’s question from Birds 365😎😎


Nobody wants to give this man his credit well I will great job since week one Jon!!👏🏾👏🏾 Of course we want more aggressive play calls but y’all wanna argue the results which have been stellar? Hats off to Gannon!!


    Look who we playin bro u can’t be serious I can’t wait til we play Dallas & start playoffs cause I want to see what so damn good about him 2yrs & u still soft


    @OfficialXhill numbers don’t lie, he gets the job done.


    @OfficialXhill I’m guessing Gannon plays no part in how great this D has been lol only the talent that’s it huh. I guess it’s Someone else who came up with the game plan to shut down JJetta too lol dumb dumb.

    Truth 2 Power

    He’s been solid but we also are watching the game where he continue to get passive and let teams gain momentum. We are watching these games too and he still revert back to being passive at times

Dillon Mcduffie

This man is a freaking genius. I really really appreciate everything he’s putting in to this team💚🖤🦅 let’s keep playing great football!!


    Our defense is great……him not a good defense coordinator. The coverage he calls sometimes is not good and especially how they covered the Steelers.


    What? Slow down. Good players make coaches look great

Philip Mclaughlin

To think 5 weeks ago Philly wanted this guy’s head

    Carson Wentz

    Only the idiots that don’t understand football

    Carson Wentz

    @Kuollut completely emotional, fact-less argument. Glad you’re not the owner


    @Carson Wentz *You Wouldn’t Know What’s A Good Defense… Hence You Can’t Read A Defense… Which Is Why You Can’t Stay A Starter In The NFL… How’s The Super Bowl Dynasty With The Colts? Oops Too Soon? No One From Philly Gonna Listen To Carson Wentz Let Alone A Low IQ Wentz’s Fangirl Pretending To Be Carson.*


    And still does because of his play calling

    Erin Donofri

    Still do. He will cost us the playoffs.

Real Truth Now

He takes to many sacks. Their no reason for him to take all those sacks. If he doesn’t see anything open than just throw the football away and live to see another down. Better to throw the football away than step up in the pocket and take sacks. Thats not call for. Just throw the football away if you don’t like what you see

kitdacraze Philly the Kraze

Depends on your defense playbook

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