John Johnson III: “It’s always a prime matchup and we’re looking forward to it” | Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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Kailin Baucom

Go browns

Michael Guscott

Better play our asses off the rest of this year 🫡

    Rick Johnson


Antonio Carr

Hope they dip Watson is oil B4 the game

    the fonzies

    Man y’all drive a hard bargain in Cleveland Watson made one mistake really the int. Other than that every read was correct. Dude missed 700 days and his eyes are still good. You need to dip to froholdt and Wills in glue. You talking about Watson he had pressure in his face all day. Once he gets mechanics back he’ll be fine. YOU FORGET HOW BRISSETT LOOKED THE FIRST 6 QUARTERS

    Mike Ramsey

    @the fonzies Thank You !

    virginia price

    @the fonzies Thank you for your comments! DW hasn’t played in over 700 games, and you guys feel he should bounce back asap.


    A little massage oil



Larry Bedouin

JJ3 been playing like himself the past couple of games.

    Brandon Fisher

    I like that now

Deotti Spears

You get beat every week you overrated you miss a bunch of tackles

Erni Ern

I can’t wait to see him gone after this season. Tired of hearing a bum address this team. Gtfoh. We got finessed signing him

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