John Harbaugh: ‘The Foundation Is There’ | Baltimore Ravens – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

John Harbaugh: ‘The Foundation Is There’ | Baltimore Ravens

Head Coach John Harbaugh talks about the challenge of the Browns and Nick Chubb and strength of the Ravens' offensive line.

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Opi Okapi

King Hawtie Coach 🙏🦦🧸💗🌷🌿🥇🏆🥳 You are The Man amongst Men 🌱🧡🦚💕💐💎🧸💗


John says the same thing every interview just a little different


    @H8Boat 😭😂 @John’s wife… that was MASSIVELY accurate 😂😂


    If you think there’s nothing more for him to say, shame on you. And please, for the love of God, NEVER be a coach

    Peter Saiki

    Because if you know anything about John Harbaugh and the Baltimore Ravens, than you would know he never talks negatively about anyone or anything. He always has his players and his coaches back. He doesn’t stab anyone in the back in front of the media so why would you expect him to say anything different? He’s not going to humiliate anyone in public but will coach them in private. And when asked, he always say “we, us” in terms of blame, this way the players can always trust their coach instead of saying ‘He sucked today, or he lost the game for us.”

    Music Only

    @Peter Saiki Your comment deserves to be highlighted!

    Music Only

    Everyone here needs to chill and watch some All 22 Films, Sip2tally, Edgar Allen, TopBillin’ – after you watch their film studies you’ll enjoy and view the game much differently. Why all the negativity?

Jake Equality

This guy and his average foundation

    NZ Muzz

    Naa… incompetent statement. More like under performance and mistakes


We will lose this week. “We will go back and look at the tape and get better”- harbs

Marcellus Nash

As long as I keep looking at my walkie talkie, I’ll be coaching at a high level.

    king shark



One of the worst successful coaches ever! He
Has no problems with James Porsche! The ravens are so clueless! They strategies like guys who have no concept of bringing the fight to someone! Choke’N the life out
Of them and continuing to punish their limp lifeless corps! Sorry I went dark! But these coaches are just awful! Like god awful! I gurantee the ravens will not dominate and will not attack properly! Lamar needs a reality check he missed wide open throws and is hurting the team! Robinson was wide open on a double move and likely in the middle has been their all season! Sick of the excuses! Take the quick throw and easy pass! Pushing the ball down field is cool but build up to it!

    Music Only

    You sound like a guy who has never studied film before. Watch some Sip2Tally, All 22 Films, Edgar Allen, TopBillin’ and get educated.

B More212





    Exactlyyyyy stale asf

    Music Only

    The guy is a professional. He’s been at the highest level before and you have not. What would you like to hear from him, street talk? Real talk? Do you have some major insight into how to coach players. I’m sure some teams in the league would appreciate your knowledge. Enlighten us. Please.


    @Music Only lmao don’t explain sports to him he’s too emotional

    B More212

    Look homie that’s just my opinion I don’t need yours I’m from Baltimore born and Raised here foh 💯

JustBeing Honest

that hoddie is hard but seriously we got to relax when we get our guys back these next couple of weeks we be good 💯

    NZ Muzz

    Yep agree…. stress and pressure on ourselves won’t work.. less mistakes will help… can’t help feeling something is wrong !! Hmm hope I’m wrong


James Porsche is gonna step up? How about get an opportunity! These ravens coaches are an embarrassment! They have no excuses no one believes this guy! They lose to the browns with a back up QB it’s terrible! I’m just saying I’m sick of this guy! His robotic answers and his half cocked scheme

Aruba Robinson

Man I’m tired of hearing the same sh#%.

Baltimore wants a ring 💍 John

That’s all we want


    The slight problem with that .. just a slightttt little issue ..

    So do 31 other teams. Be grateful the ravens are in contention for a playoff run most years.

    Mr. Thomas

    Exactly dawg😈

    Mr. Thomas

    @MT10-Nick 31 other teams aren’t in contention every year and possibly could win every game with the personnel that they have it just takes a little coaching which we are lacking

Calvin Burnett

Harbs is delusional. It’s sad and sickening. He has no sense of urgency. He needs to be fired. We need a fresh new innovative PLAY CALLER not an old outdated motivational speaker

    Trey Wilson

    Harbs is like that because is complacent and comfortable. Biscotti needs to have a serious talk with him and let him kno that if sh*t don’t change then heads will roll.

    NZ Muzz

    Haha.. your kidding !! Obviously you’ve not been in top team sports and coaching at any serious level… time to show those emotions are very select… for many reasons that would be lost on you..

    king shark

    @NZ Muzz … since 2012, how many playoff victories does Harbaugh have? … lol go ahead hit Google. Lol.


    What would you do differently?

    Calvin Burnett

    @kye first, I’d start with letting the fans know this isn’t raven football and the mediocrity isn’t acceptable. A vote of confidence in that department would be nice instead of getting on the podium and patting guys on the back like lil puppies. We don’t care how proud he is of the fight we put up in games we clearly had control over. No one fears us. No lead is too big when you play the ravens is the new montra across the league. Home, away, neutral field, no team cares. Harbs has lost the fan base and locker room. It’s time to move on. If we don’t beat Cleveland I can see him being fired mid season. Too much talent on our roster to be 3-3. Fan energy, Adjustments and sound coaching is what revives a fatigued team in the 4th quarter.

Beach Couple

If we get tired of hearing these same stale excuses every week can you just imagine how the players feel having to listen to this every day.

    Chickk Rockk

    I think it’s different knowing how good you can actually be & how much potential the team has. We RIGHT there could’ve been 6-0. We just gotta close games

    king shark

    Yep, but that paycheck keeps them zipped up. Notice how guys sign here no other team wanted. Then they contract is hushed. Then you find out its pnuts. Telling you, no one else wanted them. 🤕


    What did you want him to say? “Yea Lamar fucked up at the end and cost us”. That’s now what coaches do

    Beach Couple

    @kye What he should have said was “Lamar, with a 4th quarter quarterback rating of 54.9 for 2022 we are going to put in Tyler Huntley in the 4th quarter”. He certainly could not do any worse. Lamar is just killing us in the 4th quarter.

It's a DVIL'S world

We will lose this game unfortunately

king shark

How many playoff victories since 2012?


    Better than most teams

    Mr. Thomas

    It’s terrible he is getting routine I’m expecting this type of play every year

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