John Harbaugh Talks Opening Win, Provides Injury Updates | Baltimore Ravens – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Michael D stories 87

Pay 💰 Lamar!!!!

    Michael D stories 87

    He said that wasn’t true and even if it was true 133mil in my opinion is not enough for what has done for the ravens Since he’s been here! Think about it the ravens are more fun to watch and has had the most primetime games in franchise history last year because people want to see him play. You have players kids from different teams wearing his jerseys instead of there dads lol.

    DJ Munchy

    @Michael D stories 87 yeah and it just shows he doesn’t care about the team as much as he claims. If we pay him what he wants we will have to get rid of ALOT of stars on the team. Ray Lewis, Ed reed, some of our greats took pay cuts just to be able to have the team playing together. He ain’t worth that much. He doesn’t even run that much anymore so if we’re paying him $250mil to throes there’s plenty of other people who can do it just as good or better for way less. Can’t win a Super Bowl with 1 person 🤣 learn football

    TaSean Truesdale

    @DJ Munchy it means he doesn’t care bout the team cuz he wants what he deserves? Shut up Pat Mahomes broke the bank did that mean he didn’t care about his team? NFL is about getting your worth then winning you should always get your worth first because u never know how long u gonna be in this game

    DJ Munchy

    @TaSean Truesdale that’s the problem with this generation. Idgaf if you’re the best player in the world. Nobody who plays a freaking sport deserves that kind of money. Most people won’t ever see 1Mil in their whole lifetime. Brain Surgeons and surgeons for babies don’t even see a Million a year. But some guy who plays football “deserves” it. Get real with life buddy. It’s a sport. And all of us just watch them play. Whether they win or lose it doesn’t affect any of us at all. Some people determine their whole day/week/ and mood over a stupid sport when theirs real world problems out here

    TaSean Truesdale

    @DJ Munchy should’ve told dat to the first person who signed that big deal now that’s the norm for the NFL

Liberals In My Scope

Vote Republican 2022 and 2024 to stop this madness!

    Flow Knows

    @Liberals In My Scope so you’re a Libertarian then!!! Man, you totally threw me off with that Republican nonsense 😂😂😂

    Liberals In My Scope

    @Flow Knows I align some views with libertarians but I’m 85% conservative

David Garcia

Good coaching !!!! 💯💜💯💜💯💜



Jeff J

Gotta take care of the ball Mike Davis – need Stanley back,asap


    Mike Davis is not going to get much time after that fumble

    Jeff J

    @Yela big yikes , but tuff sledding Oline run game gotta pull it together nobody is running like a Raven yet,

    Juice Man410

    Started slow, but Drake kinda got into a lil groove 2nd half

Klard Farkus

Sk him why they are calling running plays for Lemar when they don’t need to? Lamars runs enough. Lemar running all the time when he doesn’t have a contract. Not going to feel bad for him if he gets injured again.


    Who is Lemar?

    Jason-Michael F.

    @Froztinc Wasn’t that the animal in the Madagascar movie?

    Marcus P

    @Jason-Michael F. that’s a lemur.

    Jason-Michael F.

    @Marcus P oh, my bad!


    You don’t call plays based on Lamar’s contract status. You play to your strengths. Lamar’s legs are one of them.

Lil Phil

I’m hurt about Fuller we was literally shutting everything down I hope we find another proven replacement

    Darren Witkowski

    Fuller sux

    Jeremaine Malone

    We have 3-4 solid replacements… stephens and peters foremost then Pepe and Davis..

    David B Oinonen

    @Nick Hinson i was more concerned with the run game. Good thing dobbins didn’t play cause he would of had a rough day as well.

    Sebastian iturrino

    Ngl I wondered why he was a free agent so long cause if you saw him last year, dude can CLEARLY still play and he was playing a hell of a game before he got hurt. Every year the Ravens get tested with corner depth

    Cozyboy Reacts

    Fuller played well but that doesn’t concern me. Juwan James for the season is HUGE. Especially when we don’t know when Ronnie is back.

DJ Munchy

Nobody in their right mind would pay 1 player all that money when there’s 53 men to pay. We can’t win games with just 1 person! 🤣 let’s just get rid of all 52 other players and pay him a quarter of a billion dollars to throw a ball that he can barely even throw. 🤦🏻‍♂️ and I’m a huge L.J fan. But me and my fiancé are disgusted by how selfish he’s being over money that nobody in the next 50 years deserves to play a 8 year olds sport

    Kevin Hu

    @DJ Munchy bruh ur wasting ur time explaining to casuals that only watch recreationally. Can’t blame them for what they’re sayin coz all they do is see the flashy plays by Lamar . They don’t understand the cap, how the ravens are investing their money…etc. the defense won us the game today. Could’ve easily been down 20-3 at half. But all these casual fans (which is cool, we were all at this stage once) just sees Lamar as a god that is 1v11 on the field. And whenever we try to use common sense, logic, and facts to back up the fact that 250 mil guaranteed is absurd, they jus say oh u just not a Lamar fan/just a hater. Like bruh I own 3 of his jerseys, his goat tee and his jacket but I can dickride while havin some common sense

    Therlow Foy

    The Ravens and the NFL are governed by the NFLPA and the salary cap. Please do some homework on the NFL before you issue and uninformed opinion. No team offers contracts that they cannot afford to pay

    Kevin Hu

    @Therlow Foy if ur replying to me, then that’s exactly what the situation is. The ravens have made several offers that they CAN afford to pay. 250 mil guaranteed is not something they can afford to pay (while keeping their other stars and signing potential players). Think we agreeing with each other lol

    T Jhon

    @Kevin Hu What? if they are going to offer him 250 million they can pay him 250 million, it’s just a risky investment which is why Lamar wants to prove himself this year he bet on himself and he already makes 21 million this year… it’s a win win for both if Lamar proves himself he gets a huge contract somewhere if he does only ok he takes what Baltimore gives him so stop hating he’s not being selfish and Baltimore is not being crippled by 250 mill.


    Everybody pays the money, this is how capitalism works.

Ty Heb

Y’all have got to find a way for us to hear the questions better

    Maher Abucheri



    I totally agree

Javon Roashe

The running game misses Dobbins, Gus, Boyle, and Stanley a lot

VinRoc Jean

The contract elephant in the room

Official Replik509

Lamar today show s he’s the engine of this team, pay him to be a Raven for life


Thanks for cutting the nasty man loose.

Kurt Simon

Great Job, Ravens go as far as Ravens8 John take em, ,8 deep mid deep ball skills touch exceptional, ,slant slashes crosses timing coordination takes time to TEAM master, ,protect pass catchers ,it’s force beats rhythm resilience coordinated time, develop within framework of Your game,, forceful choppy oceans Bmore grind. Smooth it out less choppyness bruising ,, precision routines fundamental building train,, ,good training increases,less decreases on all that is in the way, Rest recovery Faith works, Impressive coach,


    I felt like I was on cocaine reading this

Dan V


Dan Lewis

It would be nice if you could hear the questions

Maher Abucheri


Das lol

This game was much closer then it appeared to be

Arretta Shannon

Congratulations Bro. Lamar: Blessings to you and your family during this season. I am believing GOD for you to make your draft promise/ Superbowl dream come true. Rev. Dr. Shannon


Now we get to see if all the Raven’s depth that John Harbaugh talks about is actually quality depth or just bodies laying around on the bench.

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