John Harbaugh Talks About Ravens’ Social Justice Meetings | Baltimore Ravens – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
John Myers

Go Ravens!

Sensei Erb

Ravens Way Or No Way!

king shark

Players you want change….
1. Stop buying fancy cars and jewelry, invest that money into community infrastructure, that create jobs and income.
2. Those who cant make it playing ball, singing and dancing, etc etc .. sign up to become law enforcement and take the assignments in your community, so people have to deal with those they can relate too, and you relate to them.
3. Dont pander outsiders for change, but be the creators of change. Till your own soil. Dont let another man cut your grass or police your people…

Lil Exxxtendo

5:13 I couldn’t agree more ✊

Bridgette Handakas

You can’t BACK THE BLUE and back BLM you are talking out of both sides of your face if you try to back both, sorry but that is just how it is. Get ready for fans and players to boycott this year…..the struggle is real 🙁

    Like Father Like Son

    My thing is why even let Jacob get to the driver side of the car? 3 trained officers on the scene could’ve/should’ve easily apprehended him before it escalated to ending we witnessed on video.

    JSway 24

    king shark no, no , BLM does not want to disband. BLM says DEFUND. If you don’t the diff between the 2, than you can’t even have this convo.

    JSway 24

    king shark there were 3 officers on the seen. Why didn’t they tackle the guy an juts array him?

    king shark

    @JSway 24 … you right, each situation is it’s own fluid moment and time. You EVEN MORE RIGHT WHEN THE COLOR OF THE OFFICER AND SUSPECT MATCHES… that’s called related relationship.

    There is too many non relative relationships in the black community. Soooooo BLM need to form a policing unit, or push for men and women of that community to become officers and work their community.

    Again, cut your own grass and police your own people, and not depend on outside, non relative relationship people to do it for you.

    Solutions, fixes, sensible protocols and policy is needed.

    Rhetoric has gotten either side no where. Black men and women , need to pick up a badge, and get in to their own dodge city and be Marshall dillon.

    king shark

    @JSway 24 … as I told the other guy, these are fluid situations and only the people at the event can answer that.

    The academy isnt teaching, go from the shoulders first with a suspect, its, verbal warning then stun to lethal.

    A bunch of verbal communication and things escalated, if you warning someone over and over and they not listening, thing can be taken to another level and fast.

    So again imagine how worse it is when the two cultures involved dont match.

Servant of Christ

Who else clicks on video, and exits it once the ad pops up, next thing you know your going back n forth until no ad pops up?


Harbs for President

Michael Brown


Matthew C

When a 17 year old white kid with an illegal rifle can cross state borders and murder two people in front of the police and then drive home as if nothing happened, but a minority can be shot 7 times for not listening to commands, it speaks volumes to the privilege I have as a white male. All lives matter yes, but our systemic biases and the people in power (from both sides of the aisle throughout history) refuse to acknowledge such, displayed by the disregard they have shown for minority rights and privilege throughout our history and now in our justice system. Redlining still exists, unfair sentencing acts targeted at minorities still exists, and racism (although not as extrinsic as in decades past) still exists. I commend OUR franchise and all other franchises currently using their voice for working together as a unified brotherhood, listening to everyone’s story, and using their platform to attempt to push America into a better nation for EVERYONE.

    Matthew C

    @Miguel Hernandez I didn’t report anyone haha? I’m a believer in our first amendment and wouldn’t attempt to silence anyone’s opinions or facts that they bring to the table. I wholeheartedly want open discussions about these topics. To your credit, yes, Jacob Blake had a criminal record, but to me I feel like there were multiple opportunities presented to authorities to arrest him before the situation got that point. I don’t think there is a circumstance where someone really deserves to get shot in the back like that, I believe that he deserved his day in court.

    Matthew C

    @king shark While in theory that sounds like a good idea on the surface, placing officers into areas that the community sees themselves in and then begins to see the police as those that are there to protect and serve rather than authoritarian figures, I think that rides a fine line on segregating the police force and doesn’t really address any root issues of why the minority community may feel under attack right now. I think there are obvious ways to hold police accountable in all communities through ending qualified immunity and federal funding for body cams. Systemically we could hold banks and insurance companies more accountable for their prolonged practices of loan discrimination and interest spikes against poor communities. 2010-2020 we saw the federal justice department serve 8 lawsuits to financial institutions for discriminatory practices on the basis of race, and all 8 of them got slaps on the wrist.

    Miguel Hernandez

    @Matthew C So guilty white guy, if I run your info through a registry or two, what will I find?

    king shark

    @Matthew C … hmmm. Why do you call them a “minority community” that my friend is your root cause of the reality at hand.

    See what your taught, believe and perceive.

    See your verbiage of “authority figure” if your there to protect and serve, you dont need to come off as a authority figure, but a figure of civil service that relates to the community you serve.

    Nnnnn. Segregated or not, who can do that better, than people from that community, be it white or black.

    Matthew C

    @Miguel Hernandez Strange question but you’d find 2 speeding tickets from high school that I haven’t gotten expunged yet haha.

B Baker

I guess y’all haven’t seen the criminal complaint against Blake, huh? A black man can sexually assault, beat, and rob a woman and the country will declare him a martyr when he gets shot after cops came to arrest him on those crimes and he went for a knife during the arrest.

A white kid defends his life from a a convicted sex offender, a convicted domestic abuser, and convicted serial burglar and he’s labeled a racist murderer, and ppl are demanding to know why cops didn’t shoot him when he surrendered. I hate this country. If you’re white you are a nazi and there is nothing you can do to change that besides renouncing your identity while affirming someone else’s.

    JSway 24

    Yea, cuz this county is a bunch of racist wyte boys like you. Especially Trump supported. 90% of them are racist… But hey if you don’t like this COUNTRY feel free to leav 🤷🏾‍♂️


    JSway 24 he was armed, with a knife. It’s literally all over the internet now.

    Miguel Hernandez

    @JSway 24 Lol AR-15s aren’t mILitArY gRaDe, dumb dumb. They were specifically designed for civilian use.
    Thirty second internet search: 999
    Ignorant YouTube comment: 0

    Hey look at that sheep!

    pretty sure a cops job is to arrest a person and then the judicial system is in charge of punishment. clearly there is a pattern of cops not being able to fulfill that duty without murdering the individual. whats the point of a judicial system if you can’t bring people to trial bc you kill them before they get a chance to be tried….. and the white kid broke the law too yet somehow he gets to be fairly punished. use your brain and see the patterns

    Miguel Hernandez

    @Hey look at that sheep! A cops job is to minimize the damage criminals do to civilians.
    Ignorant burner account: 0
    Civics 101: 999
    You can go quiet now.


Bruh, we got a GOOD one whe we got Harbs! There’s NOT a better ahead Coach in The NFL in my opinion!!

    Thr3tymez !

    Bro I’m telling u that’s a fact!

    Louis Presbury

    100% AGREED!!!

E. House

John Harbaugh for President 2020

Operation Kilo



4-12. Minds aren’t on football!

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