John Harbaugh on Weird Ravens-Browns Schedule Quirk | Baltimore Ravens – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE


Lil Trev

Harbaugh is too much of an apologist coach, makes too many excuses and you can tell just in how the team plays. How he can put a running back in the doghouse for a fumble, but scared to discipline Lamar for inexcusable turnovers or even tell him to throw it away when under pressure is mind-boggling. He is a great coach but we need solid improvement week to week instead of just promises.


    @Brady Dicarlo and when he runs cuz the fumbles😂

    Evan Lipford

    Russell Wilson was the most sacked QB over the last decade because he holds the ball due to his ability to make plays with his legs.

    Nature of the beast. Lamar will always hold the ball because it’s how he utilizes his legs when things break down.

    Eric Alvarado

    How would you suggest “disciplining” Lamar? Without totally throwing the game. Let’s be realistic here. Lamar is our QB, the one that gives us the BEST chances to win.


    Oh come on. These pressers are a waste of time league wide. They say what you wanna hear and nothing more. The media is just always hoping for a coach or player to say something dumb and emotional so they’ll get more clicks. You don’t ever get real content or strategy from these though. It’s all a song and dance and if you see it as more, that’s kinda on you.

    Mark Zalenski

    @Anthony “Playoffs? Playoffs! You wanna talk about playoffs?!” Yup, best to keep a lid on your plans and emotions. Ask Jim Mora…wherever he is now.

Trey Wilson

Lol man considering no huddle really, it took you months to consider that😂, I swear our coaching staff is so damn slow. Lamar is at his best with no huddle

    Michael Hession

    This coaching staff knows how to win in December, so they wait to flash their potential at the the right time. Yes its frustrating but hey this is who we are.

    James Garcia

    Ok… coach Wilson.

    Trey Wilson

    @James Garcia lol it’s facts


Lamar Is best with no huddle, I know the injures have taken their toll. But this coaching and conditioning staff has been the worst this year, just being out coached from kickoff some games.


    I agree. Why are there no plays designed to beat Cover 0 blitz’s defenses?? They have smaller, quicker WRs that should be able to run short, quick slants or hook routes. How about a fucking screen every once in awhile!


    @DaveSki0826 Greg Roman has to go

Xen Btw

I think Greg has a lot planned with no huddle they try it every now and then it works well and they randomly stop so it would make sense that they aren’t trying to reveal it all but just to make sure it works


Good days bad days days going for 2 instead of 1

Dustin Platt

I love all the Assistant Coaches in the comment section. Harbaugh is one of the best coaches in the NFL. He’s had 1 losing season since 2008 and that was when we lost our starting QB.

Regardless of the Offensive or Defensive Coordinator, Harbaugh has been able to handle whatever has been thrown at them.

Get all these bandwagon fans out of here. You don’t remember the Boller years. Or 96-99 years. We’ve been spoiled as fans for awhile now and I would just keep your trust in Harbaugh.


    💯% Harbaugh is the definition of a NFL Head Coach.

jordan Hoffman

Lamar needs to run it down the field when he’s blitz

    James Garcia

    Yeah, he needs to run and get hurt……nooo.


You do it within the framework that your using…..well the framework of what your using isn’t working as for as protection……..I can only wonder what framework was in place on that failed 2 point conversion that allowed the most dominant player on the the opposing team to run unobstructed to Lamar Jackson and ruin your 2 point try.

Pr. Ron Swingle

John has got to take charge of this team. Lamar can’t do everything. When will we learn this simple logic.

Mark Zalenski

Lamar had two of his worst games, won one of them and came within a couple of inches of winning both. If he makes the 2 pointer, Harbaugh looks like a genius and Jackson’s confidence is improved. Either Choice can be argued but Harbaugh probably knew that his defense was gassed. It certainly looked like it to me.

    James Mason Altair

    Agreed. Harbaugh said part of his decision to go for two was Marlon Humphrey being injured (season) and the Ravens being out of corners.
    If at their worst, the Ravens can do as well as they did, that bodes well for the future. Especially if we can get healthy.

James Mason Altair

Harbaugh is such an underrated coach. And the Ravens are a tight organization. In adversity, we see Ravens stepping up to take accountability. Lamar, Villeneuve, Andrews, etc. Instead of degenerating into blaming each other, like so many teams, the Ravens just get more responsible and stick up for each other and their coaches even more fervently. What a class franchise!

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