John Harbaugh Calls Ravens’ 2021 Schedule ‘Quirky’ | Ravens Final Drive – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE


Chris Conn


Randolph Wilson

It’s Another Year Of Us Playing ,Even Though We Don’t Get Fair Play

    BaltCall 2K



The only game that worries me the most is Kansas City Chiefs I’m not to worry about Cleveland Browns Sports media always hype them up Every year. Last year they were suppose win the division

    Apex Frosty

    you gotta admit the browns put up a good fight in week 14 (although our defense was kinda lacking that night lol)

    Eterday ClapZ

    @Apex Frosty it was game of the year there’s nothing to admit we already know

    Apex Frosty

    @Eterday ClapZ true true you right mb


    @Apex Frosty it wouldn’t have been close if lamar never went out

    Andrew Kim

    conductive hit drafts for the browns + a great defensive haul in free agency got me spooked


Lamar got us, don’t matter who we playing

    Amadou Maiga

    @Dr. Jill Biden Just wait and see

    Dr. Jill Biden

    @Amadou Maiga hey I will be more than happy to finally beat kc this year and we will have arr chance but up till now they have had our number

    Amadou Maiga

    @Dr. Jill Biden They really did but I feel like the rookies are going to change the game. I Can’t wait to finally beat them. And the thing is that, they have had everyone’s number up until the Super Bowl. So I don’t even feel bad for being 0-3 against them.

    Dr. Jill Biden

    @Amadou Maiga yeah that’s true they are a legit team for sure…. I do have a lot of hope in our offense this year with all that young talent like Bateman Hollywood jk etc plus a vet in sammy and of course Andrew’s. I’m excited for the season to start

    Cobin Wood

    @Dr. Jill Biden lol tompa bay pooped on u

Eterday ClapZ

Why haven’t y’all shown any actually videos of them playing

    Clint Walker

    The Ravens don’t allow videos of their practices for the most part.

Eterday ClapZ

Game 1 vs the raiders might not sell out cause the lowest price is 800 fucking dollars the lowest price at the chiefs game is 140 someone humble the raiders

    Clint Walker

    Believe me, we’re gonna try.

    Donald Donald

    Raiders getting clapped full house or not lol


Quirky is a very diplomatic way of saying “why are we playing 4 games against teams who won 11+ last season in 4 consecutive weeks, and why are we playing KC in the first 3 weeks for the 3rd consecutive season?”

    Trey Tillman

    It doesn’t matter we don’t want it easy. We have to show how great we can be from the Jump. We had the 2nd or 3rd easiest schedule last year so I know it was gone be tough for us this year. We can crack 11-13 Wins…


    Why do people keep crying about us playing KC when we do? How is it beneficial to them… maybe we just need to beat them for a change.


    @SlurpMeSlower thank you

    Trey Tillman

    @SlurpMeSlower Exactly, Bucs gave the league the blue print we just have to execute

    Amadou Maiga

    @SlurpMeSlower And that’s what we gonna freaking do.


1:13 why did he say “hopefully”? theres for sure gonna be a packed house come gameday

Ryan damon


Blade Brown - Coont Noont Luva

Don’t lie. Coach Harbaugh had yall Google searching quirky 🤣

Nanna Rav#8

Our schedule this year is very challenging to say the very least. But we are the Baltimore Ravens led by the awesome QB Lamar Jackson and no matter what he’ll get the job done to deliver. I didn’t say he’ll be perfect, but with the upgrade he has received in his company you’ll realize when been in an battle and came prepared to fight and win in the trenches! Let’s Get It Lamar & Company! Let’s Go Our Mighty Ravens💜🖤💛


Lets go ravens

Clint Walker

The first thing I noticed about the schedule is they don’t play any AFC North games until later in the year. That means the schedule is going to be all jammed up with Pittsburgh, Cleveland and Cincinnati at the end. Also, they get the Chiefs week 2 at home. The Ravens have lost the Chiefs 3 times in a row, hopefully, this will be the one. I hate to see Orlando Brown Jr. there though.

They get the Raiders first on Monday Night Football. I watched the Raiders beat the Chiefs last year, plus the Raiders will have a butt ton of fans in that giant new stadium. I hope the Ravens are ready. The Raiders are already calling it their biggest game of the year.


Just win in January

Sam Fisher

Let’s go Ravens


They really did screw us w the schedule. Sorry for the language, I’m using it for emphasis.

Armello 1209

If our offense doesn’t break through this season, Roman has to go

grim farm

Dont think about it just play!! At least make it to the afc championship game if we do!!

grim farm

Big trizzz!!!!💜💜💜💜

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