John Harbaugh’ Announces Marlon Humphrey to Miss Remainder of Season | Baltimore Ravens – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Brett Jones

Coach I agree with the call to go for 2 in that moment in Sundays game sucks we didn’t get it 😕 😑


Wowwwww what an eloquent and powerful statement Coach made when asked the “woe is me” question. No matter how you look at it and what happens WERE GOING. On to Cleveland 😈


    @Uncle Fido no i’m not, thanks for your concern

Duncan Salmon

I agree with going for 2, but why was Watt not blocked??

    Amadou Maiga

    That’s the only question I had, if he was even blocked for a millisecond we would have won the game.

    Shannon Wells

    Now of all the players on shittsburgh Watt should’ve been blocked and chipped!!! I still don’t understand what they were doing with that scheme.

    Amadou Maiga

    @Shannon Wells word, he’s their best player and had 3.5 sacks with Tom of QB pressure but we just jet him run free.🤦🏽‍♂️ had he been chipped a bit, it was ball game.

    knightress 57

    I agree with the call, as well. However, what I don’t understand is ,why Watt wasn’t in double coverage. They kind of knew they were going for Andrews and Watt had been in Lamar’s face all night. Why, not cover him? Well, back to the drawing board. They have to find a way to get it going again. Lamar tries too hard! He is not superman and he has to slow down and take what he can get and know that every throw doesn’t have to be a touchdown. He has proven he can throw, run and stay in the pocket. Now, he has to decide what to do and when. Little by little.

    Amadou Maiga

    @knightress 57 Watt wasn’t even in a single coverage, unbelievable. And Lamar is not trying hard, he is just doing what’s needed to stop the bleeding.

Frosted Ice Pharoah

At this point I’ll be happy just to watch the Ravens in playoff game. This season is a bust.

    George Foreman

    Honestly I can see us not winning another game this year

    Poo Brown

    @George Foreman Yerp…


    what…..if the Ravens won the Super BOWL and got back HOT! at the right time.

    George Foreman

    @BallsoHard I would eat my own feecies

    Frosted Ice Pharoah

    @BallsoHard Impossible to do that with only 1/4 decent secondary players (the worst of the 4 at that).

Timothy Park, MBA

I still believe but definitely tough season ahead… wish u all the best my Ravens!!!

Irving Flores

Being 8-4 despite all the injuries has already been a successful season for us!! No one else would have won the games we have won this year with all those injuries!! Let’s just be thankful if we make it to a playoff game, i love my team and my coach for having the guts to go for 2!!! 🙌

    SevaLokii George

    we have the same mentality so I stand by u 🙂

    Douglas Miller Jr

    Post this comment everywhere u can man bc some “fans” are trippin

    Shannon Wells

    It was shittsburgh and I loved the call and I hope John goes for two next week against Cleveland if it comes down to it!!! Let’s GO Ravens!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Lu Kim

    But why do yall wanna make the playoffs so bad…if it happens okay but the results will be the same, yall this happy just to say “at least we made the playoffs”. It seems like the real fans are the ones actually calling it how it is because we’ve been they this over and over again. This team has made no adjustments and although we lost by 1 ima Chuck it up as a bad loss because it shouldn’t have been. Yall this enthusiastic over a team skating by in “Miracle wins” and disappearing in the most opportune times and then win 1 small thing happens is forgiven god fxvk 8-4 what does that mean for us nothing if we still fold in games like these

    Calvin Burnett

    There ain’t no consultation prizes. Getting to the playoffs is always the standard no matter who’s out there.

grim farm

Just love to be a raven and it’s really just lamar jackson but next year they need to do better to help lamar jackson going forward!!! But go ravens we might not get the 1 seed but we’ll still make some noise in playoffs!!😈😈😈👽👽👻


Honestly I’m not mad nor upset ravens been struggling all year they’ve played good for where they’re at now hopefully we can turn around and go out strong

    SevaLokii George

    You are the man. Respect


    @SevaLokii George thank you some “fans” don’t realize we should be below .500 They should be grateful

33Lady RAM

I feel like teams do not respect us. Tomlin wack self even threw shade when asked about the 2 point conversion and it being predictable and yet if Andrews caught the ball and got into the InZone it would have been something else.

    1 KALICO

    Perfectly said

Higher Heights

Not over till it’s over. These injuries were bound to catch up with the team. Next man up till the last game. Fight to the finish. Fight, fight fight. No excuses, no nothing. Lets Go Ravens!! We can do it.


    Its over he don’t trust our D

    Aaron cook

    Yes all day

Robert Wiggins

Teams are calling cover zero against us and they’re killing us…. We do it against other teams and they light us up for deep plays. Just wanted to make sure I had it right


    I think you got it right. Lamar just seems to come unglued when they blitz him. If he doesn’t learn how to deal with that, then all the promise he showed over the past few years will evaporate. Right now he seems to be losing his confidence. And when that happens, then his receivers will lose confidence in him too. He’s just not making the reads and letting the ball go when he needs to. And he’s been making more horrible throws than good throws. Hope he gets it together again and play like an MVP again because I love watching him play…but not like he’s played the last 3 or 4 games.

    Maurice Butler football news and updates

    Powerful fact. You’d think we’d take a page out of other teams book but 🤷🏿

    Jace Woods

    Lamar needs to be quicker and make correct reads and whatever’s going on between he and Bateman has to be squashed you’re not telling me he’s not getting open Lamar’s not looking his way every since Lamar’s meltdown at Miami🤔


    @Jace Woods I agree 100 percent. He’s kind of myopic in the pocket. It seems he’s made up his mind who he’s going to pass to even before the snap, and looks at no one else except that pre-selected receiver (usually Andrews). So many times I’ve seen him under heavy blitz pressure just holding the ball waiting for his predetermined target to get open and completely ignoring the check-down man in the flats. He’s making not only his receivers look bad, but his O-line too. He’s got to get better…and that’s the long and short of it.

The Frase

This offense should play every series like it’s the 4th quarter and they’re down by 2 scores.

This Channel is dead

Welp fun season ravens, good luck next year 👋🏾

Amar Herring

These injuries are starting to scary.because when these players come back will they be the same after the injury

    Aaron cook


Jack Krick

It’s not just that we lost… It’s that we lost to Pittsburgh. We haven’t beaten Pittsburgh since 2019. 3 consecutive losses to them is gut wrenching. And as for Humphrey, I hope heals well. But he is also pissing me off because he shows very little effort on big plays.


    And we haven’t beaten Big Ben since 2018


    Ravens play calling sucks face the facts , and lamar cant throw consistently he needs work

Deon Jones

Win Lose Or Brawl I ❤ My Team & City FlockNationTillDaDeathOfMe & The Comebacks Are Always Better Then Any Setbacks BallMore💜🖤💜🖤💜🖤💜🦾🦾🦾🤞🤞🤞💯💯💯

Shawn Kemp

Damn..looks like were gonna have to be biting knees instead of detroit 🤦🏿‍♂️

Michael Hession

We had this many injuries in 2012 at this point, the difference was half of them came back, this time, they won’t be getting any of them back, its only a matter of time until Jackson is out for the season if they can’t block anyone.


Man this season it’s really been the Ravens vs the refs and the Ravens vs injuries🤦🏽‍♂️

J. Col3

Well it’s not gonna be an easy ending to the season. I don’t see em giving up any time soon

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