John Elway keeps cards close to the vest at pre-draft press conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

John looking a *Little* red today


    Green Screen fallout

    Dean Worley

    @MrAdamNTProtester no!!! How did we not know that?

Marquise Walston

What’s up with his weird 1998 green screen?? lol 😂 come on guys.

Still love Elway, Denver Broncos, & this channel tho #BroncosCountry🔷🔸🔷

    TeddyBelcher 4K Ultra wide 21:9

    its not 4k ultrawide



    Joseph Clark

    Where does Lindsey fit. He’s above Gordon on a broncos roster 💯

    Todd Smith

    @Joseph Clark what about Royce Freeman????

rolland mousseaux

give mike munchak whatever he wants~!


    Fr i hope we pick 2 straight OL and then trade up for a wr

Robin Smith

Love John Elway! He was my favorite athlete (and Jordan too🤷‍♂️) growing up. I became a fan the moment I fatefully picked Denver without a doubt in my mind, in SBXXI to beat NY when asked by my dad as a 6. 5 yr old kid. I proudly stayed a lifelong fan after that! I saw the Drive and the Fumble! I saw the glory of SBXXXII & XXXIII and SBL and I felt the pain in loses in the big games, and any game, big or small!
Go Broncos I believe always! Lock and Lindsay, Sutton, Fant, and Gordon in RZ I hope and pass pick up and catching passes… the defense looks strong let’s get a WR and win another Super Bowl!

Cole Likus

Elway looks like he is a hologram from star wars 😂

    Sean Cunningham

    Cole Likus LOL

    Tyler Payne

    Cole Likus fair enough 🤣🤣

    Whitey O'Banion

    Senator Palpatine.

    Cosmonaut 1

    Cole Likus lmfao

Js Eight2

Leave it to JOHN to lead ELWAY #7 #ibelieve


Gotta keep Simmons, dude is awesome.


    Hence why he was franchise tagged.

Nad Ludlow

Is this Elways force ghost?


Elway has literally put his heart and soul onto the Broncos…this enormous burden of being the GM has aged him considerably, and having followed the a Broncos since the 1960’s, I truly appreciate what he has done.

    Jacoby Johnson

    bluzz991 the greatest Bronco ever


    Age has aged him, not the stress. Its not a burden, he gets paid handsomely. To say he has aged because this awesome video quality is a little absurd

Harrison Marshall


Christopher Kramer

Love you Elway!! Thank you for all you do!!!

Rick Allen

This is what happens when you don’t have a make up person, I hope we can pull off another great draft like last year and the year before! Go Broncos!

Derf Nosdivad

Hope the draft goes better than these phone calls 😂

Flippant Booch

at least we can finally hear all the questions

Kent Borges

It is still…” IN JOHN WE TRUST “

The Sports Raccoon

John Elway lowkey still has the same green screen from 1987


That UC Health logo looks like Arabic

Carlos Lopez

This lighting made Elway’s hair and forehead seamless and now I cant un-see it.

J Landon

We will give the Chief’s, Raiders and Charger’s a run for the money every year!

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