Joe Woods: “What I’m putting together is a combination of the best defenses in the last 10 years” – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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I really like this coaching staff hopefully they can make this team gel


loved it


loved it


All for getting rid of Mary Kay

Dislike Solutions

Cancel Mary K

Rusty Wagner

Good 21 tackles in 11 gms 3.5 sacks is not worth 5mill let alone 15 17mill

Clip Watcher

We are turning into the 11-3 vikings bro im telling you

    Anthony Tanko

    Dumb questions about quarterbacks, and trying to stir drama. Always. Worst reporter in Cleveland next to Grossi


Why does Mary K bother me so much


    Cause she’s an absolute moron

    John Wise

    She has a terrible habit of spinning things to create drama

Rob Tintelnot

blah blah Clay Matthews blah blah.
MKC stinks.

Randy Oliver

Let’s Go Big Joe!! Woof Woof!! DAWGPOUND!!!

Joshua McCall

MKC always ask the most superficial questions. I wish she would retire.

    Karl Haertling

    She’s getting better, coming from someone who absolutely hates her BS, it does appear she’s trying to spin her stuff a little more positively for the Browns. I think she is seeing the feedback from the fans.

    Baker’s Six shooter

    Joshua McCall I know, people that follow these videos really understand it

    Christopher G

    She’s had free reign under hue, same mentality with hue part 2 ( kitchens). With new staff, she was quickly pegged as divisive, and called out by new staff. So yes, she has dialed back to blatantly obvious trap questions. She has a long way to go….we’ll see.


The only thing I worry about with the defense is the LB core ??? Lot of questions with those LBs

Jeremy Watkins

When Joe said, “I’m just focused on coaching the guys that we have” I knew I was going to like this guy. No speculation, just focus on what’s in our control.

Tazmon Sims

I have faith because of how he shut down the J. Clowney stuff. Coach the guys in the room

Phillip Cox

You can tell that the Cleveland media isn’t used to covering a good team. These questions suck.

Jeremy Majjasie

Who let Tony back?

Becky Chuck

Great having you here Coach! !!! Congratulations on your accomplishments

Mike Swinhart

Seriously, Mary Kay? The Clowney and Clay questions were more for Andrew Berry than Joe Woods(and as I type this Joe is saying the same exact thing lol). The Delpit one was annoying too because of what she said. Of course Joe Woods is excited with Grant Delpit!!!!! And even if he wasn’t excited about Delpit, he wouldn’t be saying it!!!! MKC must go

Marion Motley

As a die hard can and my great uncle, Bob Smith, only just WiN ,from here out,the chemistry and coaching staff is awesome, Good luck Browns season 2020.

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