Joe Woods: “We have guys who are ready to step up” | Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Ben Shihadeh

It’s cute that he thinks he will still have a job in Cleveland week 18

    Nicole D

    He’s probably right knowing this franchise.

Cake Get Enough

Gosh fire him already

Rod Brown

He’s actually turning it around.

Roderick Wilson

The defense better step up for this game

Roderick Wilson

The Texans game doesn’t can’t. The defense has to be on their A game starting Sunday

    Eric Roberts

    “Texans game doesn’t can’t.”…….whats that mean Roderick Wilson? You probably need to be on your A game starting now!! 🤦🏼


Rooting for ya Joe


Bye Bye….


thank you for fixing the audio


This dude is the reason we don’t have 8 wins rn. Bye Joe!


Between this dude and Kevin alone is probably 5 L

    D Flatt

    Right. No other coach in the league ever makes decisions that lose games. Brilliant.

Anthony Croaker

It’s not the Coach it’s the players messing up maybe Joe had to slap them around a little bit Joe woods is not on the field the Defense is.

Roderick McClendon

All I know about this Sunday is 6 – 7

    the fonzies


David Kuharich

He hasn’t stepped up all season.


Seems like Joe can talk and teach others about Football and defensive structure- maybe should run a school for coaches- all the calm wisdom doesn’t seem to translate into result as discussed? Guess the issue is knowing and getting others to do!

O.G Embrace

He still here 😮

Eric Roberts

Gotta love that the D keeps fighting.. They haven’t given up on Joe Woods and that’s a plus.

robert schaffer

Why don’t you step-up Joe W.

BJ Martin

You have to play good defense to expect to get turnovers. If you leave receivers wide open or let RBs run free, you are not likely to get turnovers. Play good defense and you’ll get turnovers or at least force the opponent to turn the ball over on downs. Don’t go for turnovers and let the opponent run through your tackle attempts. And don’t leave receivers open. STOP SOMEBODY, that’s a turnover, when they punt.


This guy’s is smiling wayyy to much

tommy estepp

What a waste of time SMH. Think Ol Hue crapped this guy out

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