Joe Thomas: “This is a really special step for me” | Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Alex Horovitz

More Joe please 🙏

Paul Cesare

Congratulations Joe Thomas!!!!




Congratulations to Joe. Well deserved

Q Horton

Absolute class act and legend. Well-deserved.


One question did JoeT the LT GOAT give David N. Blocking tips? His Blocking had went to next level. If he keeps this up David could be mentioned up there with Ozzie


We luv u JT

imma buy 1 of ur jerseys soon OG DAWG

D Wally

Joe comeback and be our blocking TE. With you and njoku out there chubb and hunt will both rush for 1500 yards lol

Hazi 59

What can you say about Joe Thomas that doesn’t become redundant? He was a legendary player and has always been a legendary human being as well. Joe deserves every ounce of success he has gained…he earned it. Love to hear him talk as he comes across as a down to earth, intelligent and humble person. The NFL (and the world) needs more Joe Thomas’s IMO.

    Chris Hammond

    I completely agree. One of the reasons I’m so sad he doesn’t do his podcast with Andrew Hawkins anymore


I’m not crying, you’re crying. We love you Joe!


Joe was a fan of the Browns the minute he was drafted and he’s still a fan. That’s why we LOVE him so much. He was a great player who is an even greater person. Nick Chubb is carving out the same legacy with the fans.

Eyes wide open

Congrats bro! U deserve it!! I just wish we coulda got a good team around you 😪. Thanks for hanging around for a while….also I’m glad u never left, so many players we love just disappear after the game

Mike Swagger

Joe should start acting like him brown did he’s just likable do it joe do it

don smith

first ballot hall of famer–and you might think that nice guy joe thomas didnt have a mean side, but i saw a pic where he absolutely plastered a pittsburg player and he looked PISSED–a true legend–too bad the browns sucked when he played…….

Watson's Masseuse

Tell us about all your extensive playoff experiences at home.

Nero The Lost

Joe needs to be apart of this organization for life. Just a great ambassador for us. 🤝🤝

Joshua Serrano

So eloquently said. Such an amazing look into his experience and what it must be like. In a world without war, what becomes of the warrior

Antwon Gott

Joes dry humor is hilarious

More of it 216

The Legend Joe Thomas #73 🐶🐾🏈

jaylon mccorvey

A while back the media was speculating that Joe would be traded to Denver, one of the most memorable quotes from Hue Jackson was when he heard about the speculation he said “Where the hell is 73 going? 73 ain’t going nowhere. You think 73 is going somewhere? I don’t think so.” congrats 73 glad you stayed, sad we weren’t able to be competitive w/ you🐶🐶🐶

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