Joe Judge Updates Giants’ COVID Testing | New York Giants – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Joe Judge Updates Giants’ COVID Testing | New York Giants

Head Coach Joe Judge addresses the media to provide an update on the Giants' COVID testing.

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Mark Roberts

Thank you Joe for taking it to Andy Reid.
You had the Hall of Fame Coach on his heels with your practice squad offense vs a stacked All-Star team…Reid looked scared.


    This why I don’t get why everyone’s panicking after the loss

Richard Judge


Tony Pen

You know who else is goofy? Pat Leonard. I’m going to use his same logic and judge him by a single snapshot. So I’m assuming he’s not a good person by the way he framed that question. 🤡

Tony Pen

I still believe in Judge. He’s young and he will get better. Just wish it wasn’t so tense in the building, you can feel that. It’s management and ownership’s fault that the team has been bad, not the new coaches and players.


    I do too.Parcells won 3 games his first season.Ray Perkins in ’79 after a MNF shutout by the Redskins that gave them an 0-5 record said “This team is making good progress” .Because of all of the injuries its been tough on the Offense but hopefully the defense is coming around.

    Jason Heitmann


    Tony Pen

    @beefoneeto Yup. Imagine being a young head coach and these last two years are your first at the job.


    @Tony Pen And all the clickbait headlines and people screaming for this and that.Even the people I respect because they do so much talking on YT get carried away because they are on so much.And forget about the websites for the GIants-have to be the worst I’ve ever seen probably the dumbest fans in existence.Patience really is a virtue.

    Jamea Mason


Anthony X

Salute Coach! Let’s go 1-0 this week!

Kevin fradette

If the giants offense can score at least 24 points a game. We can win alot of the rest of the games.

    Jamea Mason

    I don’t care at this point honestly

    Jamea Mason

    With how we start out the season every year we’re always playing this ketchup game

    Aaryan Shah

    @Jamea Mason I like playing mustard instead


    @Aaryan Shah same


This dude is a leader of men. Give him at least another year

    chris estrada

    Strongly disagree

Ryan Diaz

These reporters ask dumb questions and say dumb statements…

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