Joe Judge Reacts to Week 5 Loss vs. Cowboys; Daniel Jones, Darius Slayton, Blake Martinez – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Joe Judge Reacts to Week 5 Loss vs. Cowboys; Daniel Jones, Darius Slayton, Blake Martinez

Head coach Joe Judge, Daniel Jones, Darius Slayton, Blake Martinez, Logan Ryan speak the media after loss to the Cowboys and discuss Dak Prescott's ankle injury.

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    New York Giants Family Bonding

    Play calling was much improved Against Dallas

    Juan bx,n.y.

    Soon we gonna give coaching staff their 1st win.Juan bx,n.y.


Cowboys payed the refs blown calls, blown a holding call, held back 2 tds that should be a TD

    Giant Opinion Sports

    @chuchis bahena I hear you but at the same time the NFL has a bad refereeing problem and they need to try and address it.

    Robert Croom

    Horrible horrible calls


    @Robert Croom FAX

    Khang Le

    @Jake Thomasdude so i wasnt the only one that saw that. League pretty much gave Dallas this win to makeup for Dak so America’s Cowgirls dont blow up and take out guns to shoot themselves


    Nope they paid 0

Steven Lim

We played tough but I just hate losing. Especially to a division rival. Please just win.

    Dthang Dthang

    Im still mad we got to beat Washington and philly and one time with the cowboys

    Mason Kretiv

    Normally, I’d agree, but I think the cowboys deserved it. they had to finish that game for dak.

    Louie Caporusso, Jr.

    And just when you need a win, the redskins show up.


    Don’t worry Steven next year right now the style of play that Joe Judge, is playing they should be better next year.

J2fb Yt

The cowboys payed the refs on like more then half are penalties

    Pickle ツ

    @shawnjhuuhurdd yes it was stfu

    Adam Carman

    Yeah, they always do. That’s why after the game you see Cowboys players and coaches start smack talking the bad calls. “We paid for that, dude!” I do like that Judge kept the focus on making sure WE execute.


    Y’all look like clowns arguing in this, refs may of been bad but y’all Danny domes fumbled it which if it didn’t happen you could of won 🙂

    saquads barkley

    Because 0-5 means it’s refs fault


    @saquads barkley enjoy that tainted win

Albert Zinger

Joe Judge is a great coach imo I hope he stays long term.

    Albert Zinger

    Jinesh Shaji this was a really well coached game imo and I get it we had a fumble but besides that the offense looked good. I get it that the defense played bad and gave up 37 but it was a shootout and we hung with a really great offense

    Albert Zinger

    Sheist MCE it’s not his fault. Barkley and Shepard are hurt. McKinney is hurt and a lot of other key players. It’s a rebuild but he did a good job with what he has


    With the type of style of play that he like you need good team speed. Right now the Giants on offensive and defensive is too slow, and you can see it. If he can get better team speed they will be one top teams in their division.

    Ruben Casanova

    If you don’t like the job Judge is doing your are blind and stupid. These guys are fighting details are being taught here culture is being started here. It takes time these guys are young. In this loss there is confidence being built here. Patience next year they will be in the playoffs.


    @Ruben Casanova Look, the scheme that Jason Garrett as implemented requires more speed. Don’t put word in my mouth, and lie, just because you want to make yourself feel better at my expense. But know this it going to get worse before it gets better.

Charles Martel

The Refs gifted that game to the Cowboys.

    Alex Serrano

    Yamebatmauey91 Magana yah it was pretty bad


    Yes they did


    Yamebatmauey91 Magana yes they did


    No DJ gifted the cowboys with a Win


    They didn’t Imao

Giant Opinion Sports

I’m surprised the refs didn’t throw a flag on this press conference.

    Trojan Camo

    I noticed the Cowboys conference had no penalty flags tho


    I’m still mad about that fake punt call

    New York Giants Family Bonding

    Yooo that’s funny 😆


    Giant Opinion Sports for real



The Begley Show

Don’t know what game the Refs were watching but it was obviously not this one.


Poor guy, has guts. He will lead us to success eventually.


    realistically, probably not. the pocket awareness issue is concerning and the giants likely aren’t going to be able to surround him with a good supporting cast anytime soon. i don’t see them sticking with jones if he continues to struggle.


    Nebula not talking bout Jones. I‘m concerned abt him as well. I liked him a lot in his rookie season. Now I’m in fear everytime he gets a snap.


    @Nebula Jones’ pocket awareness is visibly improving. Try watching the game again and pay attention on that, you will see his positioning inside the pocket is a lot better, and he knows when to leave the pocket. The fumble thing in this game is more on Thomas than on him. No QB can sense that unless he has eyes in the back of his head.

    cameron temes

    Zograf facts and on that fumble he had another player in his face

James Gi

I love how Darius sticks by his QB without hesitation. That’s worth more than any stat…

    NMM Gaming

    that’s y we needed to get rid of Odell, he wasn’t a team player

    Ishtiaq ASif

    Obj blamed it on Eli.

    S scope

    Stfu. We want to win sick of losing

    Slimbo Slice

    @S scope then you might want switch teams homie we not built to win now

scot msp

Talk about the refs stop being scared those refs need to be jumped in the parking lot and be shaved bald this was a scam and im shocked


My G-Men! We’re gonna be alright. Logan Ryan attitude is Antrel Roll all over again and we need that. Coach Judge is Bill and Tom all over again and we need that. We’re gonna be alright Blue Nation! Don’t be fooled by this record, look at the DIVISION. We will be okay, believe it.


    Rahjelli I agree…we are not a hopeless 0 and 5 . Making progress. They will win next week. Refs did hurt us…that said we desperately need a running game because that’s why we lost. A running game is a way to close out a game like this and we don’t have that. We won’t win anything noteworthy till we can run it like Dallas for example.


    @Chris Chris, our running game was fantastic tonight, if we can have that every week we’ll be okay. The penalties KILLED us today, thats all. We fix those and we’ll be okay, even Daniel Jones is making progress under Judge, fumble not withstanding.

    Mason Kretiv

    @rahjelli What I’m worried about is having false hope again. Year after year, I have hope that we might actually be decent, but I always walk away so disappointed.

    GEEEMENNN 2020

    You said it bubba! GEEEMENNN 2020!


    @rahjelli if we had barkley we win this game

Leo Stunz

For everyone saying Judge needs to be fired you’re dead wrong. We as a team need to be better. We’re constantly beating ourselves. DG however needs to go.

    Swaggy p

    hell yea there dead wrong your on pace to go 0-16 mad hype

    New York Giants Family Bonding

    Judge I think is showing potential as a head coach.


    Swaggy p bruh your a troll


    Completely agree we need better players o line still not fixed and defense is not fixed either I would get rid gettlemen immediately have no faith in his ability or his draft picks

    Matt Sullivan

    Gettleman has set us back. We have no cap room and no players worth moving. Name a draft pick that has worked out in the top 2 rounds. Saquon? Great lets get the best back and ruin his career because we don’t have the O-line for him.


Hey, at least we aren’t the jets.


    ^ wow… talk about setting a low-bar. Do you also go around telling your buddies: “Hey… at least none of us are Caitlyn Jenner.” (even tho 1 on them secretly dreams to be 💯)


    Barely saying much ngl


    SeanPrestonFed was a joke. A sad one, but still a joke

    Matt Sullivan

    That’s a sad outlook since the Jets and Giants have the same record. Fans should be demanding excellence. You can’t sell PSL’s for season tickets in nosebleads for like 2k a pop if your team doesn’t win a god damn game.

Stanley Hochfeld

Can the Daniel jones slander stop yet? Or y’all gonna push him out like you did Eli

    Swaggy p

    jones never gunna be a franchise qb turnover machine

    AgoInsane !

    I get out Oline is terrible but he still has to hold on to the ball, with out his fumble we would’ve had a touchdown lead on the cowboys so daniel has to do his part too

    New York Giants Family Bonding

    Jones looked good yday. He’s just got a mess around him


    AgoInsane ! Fair but it was his blind side

    Matt Sullivan

    No one is pushing Daniel Jones out, we are just not going to bend over like Jets fans when the QB play is awful. Man hasn’t thrown a touchdown in GAMESSSS!

Gil Martinez

Logan Ryan needs a long term contract such a professional.

    Matt Sullivan

    I’m not sure he does…He’s almost 30. I’m cool with a 2 year contract for nothing but are we really going to tie up finances with a 30 year old CB? His best ball is behind him.

Honu's Mom

Dak’s injury is not Logan’s fault.

Do like the cohesiveness of the team. No back biting.

And of course there were those refs . . . 😑

    GiantsPride 1k

    Should’ve slid instead of thinking he’s Derrick Henry


What really hurts me is that all games so far (barring SF) were super damn close and we legit had a chance to win.


How can Judge possibly motivate the guys after this?? Especially when the refs are altering the outcome of games. Just devastating.


    Look NY, Joe Judge style requires speed on offensive and defensive, but right now you guys team speed is to slow. He need to get faster, and you will see you will have a good team next year.

Neil Ewan

The loss stinks but the Giants are getting better. Feels like a puzzle getting put together and I think Joe Judge is great for the Giants….. when he tore that headset off …that passion and enthusiasm has been missing for a while.


    don’t think I ever once saw shurmur do that, passion is so key and judge has that all the way through.

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