Joe Judge on Upcoming Roster Decisions | New York Giants – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Joe Judge on Upcoming Roster Decisions | New York Giants

Head coach Joe Judge speaks to the media about an important week heading into the regular season.

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Matt Pizzano

Boycott the NFL

    Brahin V

    @AaronJudgeHelmetFlap What’s your point?


    Brahin V my point is that he said it was disrespectful to kneel during the anthem and that’s just flat out wrong. Maybe he perceives it as disrespectful but that means that he doesn’t know the story behind the kneeling

    Brahin V

    @AaronJudgeHelmetFlap Just because one war veteran told Kap that it wasn’t disrespectful to kneel for the anthem, doesn’t mean the majority of war veterans or american citizens wouldn’t find offense to it.

    Brahin V

    @James Catania It is your right to do so and most people aren’t questioning that. There are other platforms Kap could’ve used to voice his opinion, not at his place of employment. I have the right to protest, but if I decided to go into my place of employment and start protesting, I wouldn’t have a job for much longer and wouldn’t expect to. Sought of like how Kap doesn’t have a job in the NFL anymore


    Brahin V that’s true

New York Giants

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    Matt Pizzano

    You guys lost a longtime fan due to the NFL’s support for criminals. I’ll never watch another snap.

    Tirtho Chakroborty

    @Matt Pizzano no one cares if you watch the games mate trust me u won’t be missed

Jeffrey Abbey

Good luck to Giants organization

Going to be a bery tough go this season but let’s at least compete out there!

“You produce, you will play”
Joe Judge

My kind of talk I like to hear…

100k Stormzz_

Logan Ryan is on the team 🥳

    eTerry Lee

    @100k Stormzz_Aaand…IF…it checked ALL the boxes…Prince Amukamuriyay… might be had…two!!


Having extra spots on the scout and practice squads are going to be necessary considering how the baseball season has high rates of turnover in their game and season rosters. Giants better make sure those who belong stay

Arp Laszlo

“It’s important to look long-term” is music to my ears – and I trust Judge & co to develop MUCH better than Shurmur & co.

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