Joe Judge on Loss of Saquon; How Giants Fill the Void | New York Giants – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Joe Judge on Loss of Saquon; How Giants Fill the Void | New York Giants

Coach Joe Judge speaks to the media a day after the Giants' loss in Chicago, where running back Saquon Barkley suffered a torn ACL.

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New York Giants

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    Stealth ninja99

    New York Giants big giants fan and I’m so sorry 😟

    New York Giants Family Bonding

    This is a major blow to the club but we have to roll with the adversity


Go giants can’t wait for next season

    James Root

    Did you just copy and paste your comment from 10-7-2019??


    James Root wait did I? I don’t remember doing that lol

Old Worm

Let’s go giants hope Saquon is alright 😔

    Aaron Phillips


New York Giants Family Bonding

This is a rough blow to a brand new head coach in his first head coaching job, But think he is up for the challenge of adjustments to his program.

    Colson Thorson

    So far you can tell this team has taken a huge step, we are no longer an easy win, we just need to get started earlier. We didn’t let up a single point in the second half looking for that comeback

New York Giants Family Bonding

NY Giants helped OBJ through his injury. He seems to be in most of his form – despite a QB that is not supportive to his talent in Cleveland. Let’s hope Saquon can have same rehab experience


    Comparing a broken bone to a ACL tear is not very smart.

Daniel Perkins

I feel like Corey balletine shouldn’t be a starter yet he needs more work

    - Jay

    Been saying that since last year the dude is trash hes constantly being targeted

    Terrence T

    Ballentine needs to just be on special teams

    Jimmie White

    Corey ballerina is a bust,he can’t cover nobody!

    Mark Edgell

    @Limmie Snoddy actually Issac yiadom played more snaps than ballentine last game and gave up more than ballentine

    Sean C

    @Jimmie White Can’t really call a 6th round pick a bust

Big Blue Elo80

This Line just needs to get it together C’mon on Oline

    James Root

    O lines only “get it together” with time.. no pre season no real training camp… we wont see this unit truly gel til about week 6-7-8 at earliest

    Master Diver

    It’s so much better, much improved; other things to do.


Freeman would make me feel better about this year but idk jimmy g is out next week

    mark d

    We will still lose. Is he out?

    JayDig 3

    I hope we sign freeman


    JayDig 3 well we picked him up at least


    Dont forget about Gallman guys. Maybe God wants him to capitalize. He deserves to play

    Master Diver

    I promise you, don’t need Freeman, just 11 players to play on the field, no matter, who it is – all execution & adjustments, head G. I see, what you mean though.

Aaron Phillips

As Joe Judge said, “I won’t fall asleep on 26 now, it’s gonna be one hella of a story”
Come back strong Barkley! 💯

Albert Zinger

Hope surgery goes well for Saquon prayers up.

Shamar Doster

It look like he was crying

Aspxct TV

Obviously I’m saying everything is where we want things to be but I just want to say this to all us giants fans. I know personally I hate injuries as much as probably many people do even more perhaps but don’t worry about saquon I have faith he will be getting the best treatment and considering how great his work ethic is he will be back like nothing happened to him.

Aspxct TV

Obviously I’m not saying everything is where we want things to be but I just want to say this to all us giants fans. I know personally I hate injuries as much as probably many people do even more perhaps but don’t worry about saquon I have faith he will be getting the best treatment and considering how great his work ethic is he will be back like nothing happened to him.

Terry G

Bring back Javon leake still unsigned

Charles Meckwood

Joe bring back that running back Leake that was cut her a few weeks ago if some other team didn’t already sign him ,


2:45 Uh he has a torn ACL.. Nobody came out, and said he is out for the year because it’s obvious.. Who let this moron ask a question?


Thank you, Kim Jones, for your question… was definitely appreciated. Over the last 50 games, the Giants are 12-38. Really think about that, and make sure to absorb the epic ineptitude that record reveals/represents. No NFL team has a worse record than that over that span… NO ONE. They are truly the Giants of Ineptitude. Guess that’s an accomplishment of some sort… right?

Shurmur use to say the exact same things, albeit more wussily and without Judge’s steely Knute Rockne delivery: “I see improvement… we’re getting better… proud of how the guys fight… we’ll be better later on in the season than we are now… coaches got to coach better blah blah more ad nauseam coachspeak.”
Check the tapes… Shurmur said the same type things, just with an estrogenic flair that didn’t go over as well as Judge’s Knute Rockne panache.

If only they gave out Lombardi Trophies for “getting better”, “battling”, “showing improvement” and “seeing some good things”… then hell, we’d be a Dynasty.💯 Problem is, the NFL has this stupid requirement where you actually have to win some games to go anywhere. I know, I know… STUPID NFL B*STARDS! Why isn’t 12-38 getting us anywhere?

BOTTOM LINE: Do the Giants actually prioritize WINNING GAMES anymore? Damn sure doesn’t appear so….

    Wayne Hasch

    Instead of clichés there once was a coach who with brutal frankness and honesty said “You are what your record says you are”. Credit to Coach Parsells. Credit to this commenter above who used the phase “estrogenic flair”. I will write that one down and hope to not forget it. It’s a keeper.


    @Wayne Hasch — TY, Wayne. I bleed Blue — always have, always will — and have been jumped on numerous times for stating TRUTH on this channel (peeps questioning my fandom; meanwhile, for DECADES, I’ve attended games and can’t remember the last game I didn’t watch, it’s been years & years ago; the critics couldn’t hold a candle to my fandom) — I recently told one such clown I was a “Bill Parcells kinda fan, you are what your record says you are”. Parcells never talked like this; hell, he’d be grumpy after WINS. Obviously, Belichick doesn’t talk like this. Sure, there exists more than one way to skin a cat, but what I’ve seen so far from Judge is… concerning. It’s early in his tenure, I’m not saying he can’t develop into a fine coach, BUT, I’m not liking what I’m seeing early on.

    As far as the overall organization, they lost their way quite some time ago (when they let Coughlin go instead of firing Reese and keeping Tom)… and have made blunder after blunder ever since. This great franchise has solidly morphed into a losing organization, and it kills me to see it. Now I know the excuses for another debacle of a season will be “but they lost Saquon!” yadda yadda nonsense… when this season was tracking for a debacle all along. They play an injury-riddled 49’er team this weekend that’s more beat-up than Tina Turner in her Ike days… WHAT WILL BE THE EXCUSES WHEN THEY LOSE AGAIN?

    Sean C

    So what is a coach supposed to say that my team sucks
    Now that will definitely go well in the lockeroom

Frank ugots

another high first round pick for the Giants 🙄🙄..

    Mohsin Ashraf

    Top 3

    Rafael George

    Ey bro is only been two weeks calm tf down is not like we been getting blown out in both of these games

John Stone

Saquon needs to rehab the entire season, get well and comeback better next year. I hope the dont even try to bring him back, there’s no point.

sneaker head

really hope we can get some good offensive line man and corners in the draft

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