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Should have started Mike White

    Moist Cloud

    Dont comment if ur gunna say trash

    Robert Kiefert

    The stench of Adam Gase lingers

    Jo NoSaY

    @Robert Kiefert 😂🤣💀


    Agree, Flacco cost us the game, turnover in the redzone, mismanaged the clock and then a stupid penalty in the redzone at the end of the game, intentional grounding…Mike White should have started.


    @Moist Cloud Yeah, wouldn’t want to see someone talk trash about…the Jets. White should be the new starter, not Flacco. He blew it.

Michael T

What happened to the running game?

Jo NoSaY

Where’s that 4th String Josh man at? Start him!!!

Wayne Sergeant



Love Joe. Class Act. #19 is now #19 on the all-time NFL yardage list. Not bad for a kid from Audobon, NJ. And all you haters, he’s got more SB titles than Josh A, Lamar, Baker, Burrow, Dak, Cam, Stafford, Jimmy, Jared, Kyler, Jalen, Justin, Carson have combined. Learn RESPECT.


    @BigDick SmallBalls fair enough. Also excellent points about Joe. Think I just saw it as disrespect since you just said “worst” as a blanket statement without explaining a specific stat/passing a subjective call as objective without explaining why, like you did Flacco. Overall Lamar hasn’t done well in the playoffs. I agree. At times it seems his emotions have gotten the best of him and our skill players dropped everything coming their way. But Lamar’s also years younger than Joe was when he started playing well in the playoffs. The team make up and offense was also very different. But yeah if your agreement is that Joe’s playoff resume’s better than Lamar right now, I agree.

    BigDick SmallBalls

    @jdubb45 those are very subjective and opinionated statements. Joe and Lamar were both 24 years of age when they won their first playoff game. Also lamar had an advantage. (Fact) the percentage of a team winning in the playoffs is higher than it’s ever been since the expansion. They just expanded the regular season by 1 game and last year extended the playoff pool by two more teams. I’m not saying one is better than the other but if joe is mediocre than Lamar is below par and it shouldn’t even be left for interpretation. And if the playoffs were expanded at the time Joe played 16 games in a season the ravens would have been in the playoffs 9 out of 11 years (fact). Missed the playoffs 3 seasons because of the last game. But I digress.

    BigDick SmallBalls

    @jdubb45 I do agree this team is built very different. Ozzie Newsome, EDC and Joe Douglas really built this team up the last decade with a plethora of good coaches going on to receive head coaching positions and also a bunch of offensive turnover almost every season Joe played. We had some bad eggs for a few years. Cam Cameron, trestman, mornhinweg. That why’s it’s upsetting that Greg Roman is doing a very good job of running the offense through Lamar while receiving a ton a criticism and I think it’s been a great fit both players and coaches. But what I saw these past few weeks startled me with Lamar a bit. His footwork needs serious improvement. It’s a reason why they don’t line him up behind center often. He throws off balance and almost every one of his throws while facing the blitz against Miami looked as if he couldn’t plant his feet. Then joe Flacco faces the same dolphins team that blitzed him 20 times and had 291 yards passing 2td and no ints. Lamar is still very young and will definitely improve but Joe always played solid and torched defenses like this in the past. See Tampa bay and past dolphins games. I feel like lamar tries too hard to do too much and gets lost in that intensity. He will definitely improve but the mistakes he makes could end up hurting him in the long run. Also feel like front office is waiting for him to get injured the way they have ran the man these past 2 years.


    @BigDick SmallBalls yeah Joe definitely torched TB & Miami lol. Great times. Can’t really defend Lamar’s footwork 🤷🏾‍♂️. He’s acknowledged that as an issue. But our O line has been terrible and with the cover 0’s all game in Miami maybe Lamar got happy feet running for his life every play instead of when he wants to. The other huge thing we can’t ignore is Lamar is asked to be the leading rusher and passer. Very rarely was the offensive system as dependent on Joe as it is Lamar at ages 22-24. Well i can’t speak on what happened at Delaware, but when Joe was 24 he wasn’t carrying the team week in and week out. But maybe we’ll agree to disagree. Again excellent points. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

    Harry Cardillo

    @BigDick SmallBalls Doug Williams won a SB. Had a great playoff run and was SB MVP – average QB. One season does not mean much. See?

B Bulldog daddy

Joe earned his 6th round pick compensation today, not his fault Jets lost

    Harry Cardillo

    Sure, we needed him to come in and be his average self. It was a joy to watch.

NC Vman

That mask is really keeping everyone safe. Lol. No need for that stupidity.

Richard Price

It is not a good idea to have players talk in press conferences. It is especially bad when the team loses. It is counterproductive for the players.

Billy SBC

What a change having an experienced QB under center is, the Jets looked interesting and competent this game. Too bad the Jets didn’t have Joe Flacco in Week 1, they could have taken some time to work Zach in instead of all the chaos that occurred this year so far.

    Harry Cardillo

    You’re posting this on every Jets video. Flacco’s YouTube burner account.

    Billy SBC

    @Harry Cardillo

    I”m posting variations of it because it’s true.

Bay Dynasties

Defense blew the game …. No surprise …. Now time for Zach to come back 😈😈😈

Doc Brown

*FLACCO >* Shady brady the Cheater


He tried his best. We appreciate joe!

GAD getaddicted

Yall don’t appreciate anything! Joe did great no int either. He did everything he could and he got smacked and still played good! There was a lot of p.i calls that wasn’t called. If the field goals would have been made the game would have been made. 3 missed guild goal opportunities! Jets would have won! Don’t sleep on joe he is hungry!

GAD getaddicted

He was also blind sided


Good game Flacco. All gas, no brake!

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