Joe Douglas Press Conference (12/31) | New York Jets | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
- thebigOM

Man next season is about to be shitty. Sam isn’t going to have a legit #1 WR again!! Joe will have to bang on the 3-5th best offensive lineman to pan out, then the 2nd round WR, Edge, OL to pan out? And from there you just pray the other guys can contribute.

    Tom Ford1

    – thebigOM Dont really need a Big Game WR if the defense is good and the o-line does there job we can beat teams


    You don’t need elite wide receiver to win You just need a solid O line to allow white receivers you do have to get open look at the bills they do not have elite receivers but the line holds up and gives them time to get open

    - thebigOM

    Tom Ford1 bullshit lmao.

    Dennis Garcia

    – thebigOM the best teams don’t typically have a big name but wideout like look at the bills,patriots,Seahawks. For sure a #1 would be nice but even better would be a wall to protect the most important player


    @- thebigOM it aint bull look at new england outside of randy moss what elite wrs have they fielded in the last 20 years. they have won with a great line that allows the wrs time to get open and brady the time to find them


After 2 minutes of listening to him he’s already better than years of macagnon


This mans head should never not be under a hat

Nick Hunter

Playoffs or bust. I’ll give Gase one more year, that’s it. There’s NO EXCUSE for this team to not make the playoffs next year. Mosley will be back, Williamson will be back, upgraded Oline, better receivers (hopefully), solid defense, maybe get a corner. I’m tired of this crap year after year after year. Start WINNING now and start beating good teams.

Justin Levine

In Joe we trust

Klein Bros React

Fat dan bilzerian

rich ernest

Prime- time work outs.Coach can’t hide under his hat.Get out the violins Nolan runs the Knicks.Life is hard bring the fans under the subway a winner.Still living on Joe Willie’s laurels.


Remember one thing fellas: Adam Gase was the interim GM and hired Joe Douglas!!!!!!!!

    Shane M

    No, hired by Christopher Johnson. Douglas doesn’t have that power.

Chris Ortiz

Gase has to go but I believe in Joe

Magnus Hanson

i can’t stand manish

JaQuawn Turner

The media is so damn annoying sometimes man.

Jimmy Mcnamara

Is wyatt in the building

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