Joe Barry ‘excited’ to see first-round pick Devonte Wyatt’s growth – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Jan Nelle

Then give him more snaps

Ryan Jaeger

Guy is really clueless!

Dylo 6

Love Joe Barry, GO PACK GO!

    Alan-Michael Bergman

    Why? For leading our supposed top 3 defense to be a literal disappointment this season?


    What do you love about him? How he has gotten just about every player on defense to play below their potential? If he is not fired, I will EAT MY HAT!

Eric Prybylski

Excited for the potential of playoffs. More excited for this guy to be on another team next year.


I wonder how the lone gonna go. Reed, Wyatt at DE with Kenny at NT or Reed, Clark at DE and TJ Slaton at NT


The Corners stopped playing 10 yards off every play. The press man worked great In the 2nd half


Savage played well to. That extra speedster out there


Play man defense.

Im Lillard

When we get another dc next year our defense is gonna be phenomenal

    Dennis Maxwell

    Cant be any worse

Coach King

I’ve never heard a DC just talk about giving up 18-22 yard plays I thought the mindset should be don’t give up a blade a grass.

Cj Hawkins

How about some growth, as a coach. Wyatt would have grown a lot sooner and the Run Defense, would have been alot better, had he being playing, the whole season 👎.

Erik Schyvinck

Great Joe! No more 8-12 yard cushions on WRs!!!!

Tommy Callahan

If it’s 3rd and 12, we’re giving 14 yd cushions on the receivers, right?

Bill May

Joe Barry time in Greenbay
Must Close.
Everyone on Defense has a part in this Seasons playing below Expectations.
2023 we need new Blood on Defense .
Man to Man Coverage for Starters.
Packers need Another Edge Rusher to go with Gary.
Refresh Safety as well.
Hope the PACK finish Strong .
To close out against Division at Lambeau will really say alot where
We should stand going into 2023.

DDD Pheth

He knows he’s not gonna be with the PACKERS next season! GO PACK GO


Can not wait to see Jimmy Leonhard

    Future GILF



13:20 since when?? So basically stick to ur game plan even if it doesn’t work because u believe in it so much?? This guys clueless he should’ve been fired weeks ago


This clown said 17 or 18 plays😂😂😂

Vincent Bernal

Question, will the packers ever go to the 4-3 defense?
I recall from Dom Capers to Mike Petine to Joe Barry, it has always been 3-4.

Luke Hainstock

Wyatt should have been playing since week 1.
This team keeps players that are liabilities way too long

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