Jimmy Smith Calls Into The Lounge | Baltimore Ravens – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Jimmy Smith Calls Into The Lounge | Baltimore Ravens

Fresh off agreeing to a new one-year contract, cornerback Jimmy Smith discusses his decision to stay in Baltimore, what it was like testing free agency, and why he thinks the Ravens are in a great position for a Super Bowl run.

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Xavier Bazán

i’m from texas and i love ravens

    Jamaal Brown

    What part?

    Billua Goldyck

    The Flock is way bigger than Baltimore bro. Welcome to the Flock, brother. 😈

King Wani

Ravens need another receiver and need to develop my boy Boykin I NEED TO BEAT THE CHIEFS

King Fortune

5th but ya know
I’m watching Hollywood play

Yonathan Gonzalez

Jimmy Smith is using zoom isn’t he 😂

king shark

Glad he back, ….. but we know the league wasn’t having that pay you with that missing in action record.

Jesus The Huncho

Jimmy you are one of those top guys!

Lil Exxxtendo

I’m so happy jimmy smith is back with us 🙏🏽

Matthew Phillips

As a fan, this is exactly what I wanna see. Our reporters do an amazing job. Thank you!

The Jordan

Jimmy I’m so happy to hear you will be on Tightends and playing safety! Bro take pride in it 💯 Your about to have your best year

Rudy Veloz

Number 22

Rudy Veloz

Number 22

Teez Williams

Ayoooo jimbo hilaaaarious yoooo!!! Yo had me spittin out my food when he say “it’s like breakin up with ya wife and u go out thinkin u gon pull em but they just ain’t lookin at u the same “ 😂😂😂😂😂 the way he said it had me dead!!!! 😂😂😂 ……. serious up tho, I absolutely LOVE this move!! If he can stay healthy this year he can be like a typa hybrid nickel back, where instead of covering speedy WR’s, he can lock down TE’s with his size!! Jimbo been one of my favorite players since we drafted him 1st cuz 22 is my number so I always look to get the 22 jersey depending on who has it and I started fuvkin wit him super heavy once I seen him lockin dudes down and when I met him he was Suuuuper cool and down to earth!! Salute Jimbo ✊🏼✊🏼✊🏼✊🏼✊🏼

Dreams NVA

My favorite Raven, glad he’s back for another year. Can’t wait to get that #22 jersey 💜

random shmoe

I didn’t realize that Jimmy is a big chiller in person


Thanks for coming back jimmmy 😈😈😈

Trey What is happening

So what it sounds like is that he wanted attention from the rest of the league but didnt get it so he came back lol.

John Burke

I knew we’d bring this man back. We love them DBs!

Derrick luv

Glad we signed Jimmy back. Go Ravens!

Andre Darden

Bmore appreciates you Jimmy

Andre Darden

Bmore loves you Jimmy!

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