Jets’ Top Plays vs Jacksonville Jaguars | The New York Jets | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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W 💚

Jenna Smith

a christmas miracle!! so proud of these guys especially with everyone missing, even saleh! good fight gang green!

    Thomas Russo

    I too what a terrific effort by the NYJ!!


Good team win.

Darion Allen

You guys needed the #1 draft pick though, but congratulations

    Ricky Ricardo

    Unfortunately we would’ve only had the 2nd overall, so im fine with a W and the 4th or 5th pick

    Dallas Wood

    I don’t know man I don’t think there’s really “the guy” at the top of this draft

    Darion Allen

    @Dallas Wood you guys should’ve lost to get the #1 pick

Ron Regan

Where was this Jets Team all season?


    As usual we seem to have a “that-a-boy” game when the season is already finished


Keep on playing like this and we are going to get some more w’s


I really was hoping in one of the many goal line plays they would’ve ran a naked bootleg…Jags were biting hard on the run up the middle and didn’t really account for Zach in space

James Moss

Good win for the jets. 😀👍🏈

Ricky Ricardo

Hey we got the W and zach while not throwning for much had himself a day keep it up and we better resign braxton berrios hes been a nice gadget/special teamer.

Rod Imhoff

go jets


Get destroying at kicker


    eh i like our kicker so far if he starts doing bad get rid of our kicker then destroying

Christopher Cancel

What really angers me is why the hell this team that played today, didn’t play like that in the first 14 games? The damage has already been done.

Joe TooSerious

If I’m not mistaken…

At home:

0-3 in green jerseys
2-0 in black

Black out Brady next week please

    Green gamer

    Ikr I love the black

    Jason Fritzler


Christopher Schlacter

Those 3 TDs were extremely fun to watch. Thats the way I like it.

Dakota Sidra

So should they start running options with Wilson? He’s pretty fast.

Patrick Cardoso

Wilson has some wheels.


How berrios didn’t get pro bowl this year is beyond me

Alan Taylor

When Wilson decides to tuck it and run, he’s very fast.

Devin Sharp

So excited for next season

micro fox

If Zach Wilson scrambled earlier in the season the jets may have won more games and by now defenses would have schemed spies which would have opened up throwing lanes, I wondered to myself why didn’t he tuck it in and ran with it he had many running Lanes because defenses didn’t respect his running ability.

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