Jerry Rosburg: ‘This organization has a bright future’ – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

coming to the game cant wait!


    Oh hell yeah bro! You should hold up a sign that says “Rosburg for president”

unicornoxtreme GT

He’s lying 👀

Cam Rocko

Big time lie lol

Doug Lindstrom

No, no they don’t! Everything is spin. They don’t have a coach, they have a poser for a QB with an absurd contract relative to QBR and they don’t have any draft capital. I love the Broncos but let’s be real. PLEASE!

    Kent Smith

    Couldn’t agree more. Well stated.

Daniel Crespo

in my 30 years of fandom this is the 1st time I have ever heard a coach salespitch attendance. God this feels like a drive thru

Aaron Gameros

The bounce back next season is gonna be insane. All the haters are gonna be on hush mode


    I can’t wait for it! I want Harbaugh damnit! That man will not provide us with another losing season. We need to bolster our offensive line and defensive line as well. But if we can get a good offensive line through draft and free agency and get a quality running back then the comeback will be on!

    Bryan Johnson

    Let’s slow our roll a bit. We thought this season would be amazing. It’ll be interesting to see how next year goes with a different head coach. That way we know if it was Hackett and Russ not performing, or just Hackett

    W F

    Let’s keep this guy

    Tobias Black

    That’s what I was told by Broncos fans last year. Broncos Country Let’s Ride.

Marc Morgan

Future would be even brighter with Mr. Rosburg as STC!

Nick Falletta

Vance Joseph better not hear about how good these practices are, Ros…That was his thing.

Randy Phothisane

What do you expect the man to say?

James Sher

How can we as fan’s look forward with Wilson as QB ?

    Hank Bartee

    We run a system designed for his skillset and not Aaron Rodgers’ skillset

    KD W

    @Hank Bartee it’s interesting to me how all the analyst and people close to the organization claim Russ was aloud to put his hand print on the offense and choose the type of offense he wanted to run this year. And that he wants to be seen as a pocket passer like a Drew Breese. So they had somewhat of a mix and match with Hacketts offense. Yet people keep saying it was all Hackett who forced this on Russ.

James Davis

LOL. What do you expect him to say? Do you REALLY think these press briefings are a coaches real feelings? Of course not, at least many times they are not. Do you REALLY think he is going to stand up in front of the media and cameras and say “the future doesn’t look so good in Denver.”

Do you REALLY think he is going to stand up and say “the practice was horrible. We lacked concentration.” Of course not.

The only thing you can take from these briefings is if you ask a specific question about whether he thinks a player is going to play or not.

Irvin Vanderbilt



This is my last “Let Russ Cook” comment. Just giving you guys a taste of what I heard the last few years while he was still in Seattle. Letting Russ Cook was 100% disrespectful to the entire Seahawk organization from the coaching to the players. Undermining the entire “team” Now Russ is Mr. Hollywood with his own office and private parking spaces? Guess he’s better than anyone else on the team. He’s easy to root against. All in good fun! Good luck next few years!


Depending on how this weekend turns out from his coaching win or lose. He may be my first choice for that head coach position!


We can beat the chargers

Joanne Valerie Titus

Love listening to this guy! Very well spoken and immensely knowledgeable.

Ace King

Rosburg is a good man but not smart to have taken the interim position. Wilson is going to make him look bad.

    KD W

    That’s why Jerry was the man for the job. The outcome doesn’t really affect his resumé going forward like it would have Evero who is young and will be getting looks for HC gigs.

Mark Weber

Is it wrong to say I genuinely like this guy? Nobody wanted to be where we’re at, but Rosburg is the perfect guy to take charge of the lifeboat we’re stuck in.

Clarence Gilbert

Jerry for head coach 2023

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