Jerry Rosburg: Chiefs’ roster is ‘littered with stars’ – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Untitled Panda


    Marco Barrera

    Yessir! 🙌

Jonathan Cheverez

You can tell he’s embracing and enjoying the moment.

    Leo Jaramillo

    Facts! I hope he prospers and beats the Chiefs!

    Eric Cabebe

    “He’s having the time of his life!” (VJ)

Violet Osborn

Broncos fan to the end of time


    Yup. Easily no other choice. Never even thought about changing.. its deeply engrained in my life via family..

    Me and the Bronco’s are linked for life.

    Poet Anderson



I am loving this guy for the next two games

john bee thao

All players & coaching staff put 110% efforts on this Sunday game & play your hearts out & we, the fans, will be happy regardless of win or loose

Travis Bickle

I believe we got the talent to win this! I predict a statement win 30-28 to go into the next season putting the NFL on notice


Is it only me that kind of wants him to be the Head coach?

    John L.

    Let’s find out how he does first.


    @John L. With two weeks left and millions of dollars on the IR? Not really a fair shake imo.


    @John L. Especially with our abysmal O line who can’t hold blocks


Ravens fan here and long time admirer of Jerry Rosburg.
Broncos are lucky to have this man. Thoughtful and incredibly detailed in his work. Denver can do a lot worse than giving Jerry a shot next couple years.

    John McClean

    Hey Marlo, I have been Broncos fan my entire life 70s Orange Crush Defense. Must admit Ravens could be my second favorite team they beat teams in playoffs and know how to win. I agree I like this gentleman at the very least I want him to be part of coaching staff. The GM is horrendous we need a new draft scout team. Head coach and GM. Heck how but Jerry as GM. Ravens to me are one of the best in the draft. Good luck in playoffs .

    Sen Raq

    That’s what Packers fans told us about Hackett


    @Sen Raq See, Packers fans and Hackett couldn’t figure out Wilson is not the kind of guy Rodgers is. He can’t carry offense with multi reads and no running game. Rosburg already made a change with how OL will work. You should also pay attention on what ST will mean for Wilson, not having to start the drives from inside his 10 yards.

Andrew Leifer [CFC]

This dude is really goofy. Big smile. Seems genuine and excited. I’m 50/50 on whether it will continue to be a disaster whiles he’s at the helm

Leo Jaramillo

He is so well spoken, I watched his whole half hour press conference yesterday, and was glued in lol

Mike Batt

If our Offensive line if we missed a block or didn’t block correctly, we had to drop and do 10 or 20 push-ups

Dex M

Next two games let’s see what he’s got. Let’s see if things pick up, stay the same, or get worse. Good luck coach!


    Lol, Russ is still a washed up old man, nothings gonna change. Team is absolutely cooked.


😂😂 Hackett hires him, now he’s coach and Hackett filing unemployment.

    Todd Probasco

    Hackett called Matt LaFlure, begging for his old job back. LaFlure and Rogers made Nathaniel look good. Unfortunately George Paton didn’t see that.

Mile High 6IX

He knows he’s not going to be the coach next year but I would like him on the staff maybe special teams just a good veteran to have the problem with last year’s staff was it was too unexperienced next staff should be balanced also I wasn’t just a coaching it was the roster not good enough especially on offensive line and linebacking


This man has huge balls accepting this job and attaching his name to this historically abysmal season..

I wish him nothing but the best. I hope he exceeds expectations.

    Juls c

    He has nothing to lose he’s old enough to be retired

name not available

That’s a man w/o a care in the world. Nobody expects anything of him and he gets to coach an NFL team for 2 games.

Jose Juarez

I love listening to Jerry Rosburg more than I ever have Joseph, Fangio, or Hackett, all in just week 1. You can tell he loves the game and has a strong attention to detail with how he’s trying to prepare for the Chief’s game. He talks about the accountability (and has done so with the firings he’s already made), but does so in a way that’s positive; it’s neither too Vangio-esque nor Hackett-esque. Win or lose, I have no expectations for this man, but I just hope he can have this team playing together for each other. If I were his player, and this is how he speaks to the team, I would definitely listen to this man.

Josh C

Dude seems really cool (but so did Hackett). Very genuine. It will be interesting to see how it translates onto the field.


This man doesnt repeat what he said like Hackett, he’s a super detail person. This man also seem very determine and has a pair of steel balls.


Idk if Jerry is a good coach..but he sure seems like an amazing man. I’m impressed listening to him. The kind of man you would want your son’s learning from and being around.

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