Jerome Ford: “I want to put my head down and keep working” | Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

at least spit the gum out 😅


Gonna have to start wearing a white power shirt.

Brian Hoprich

Team is just really hard to like


I can’t let this ride. Jerome Ford is wrong wearing that shirt. African Americans have to show some respect period. We are all human beings no matter our color period. Jerome Ford your better than this dude.


Government better do something about racism in America. They started it put a end to it government period. We are all human beings period. Looking for the same thing purpose of living period. It’s not about the color of our skin. I Know African Americans are sick and tired. As a white human being so am I. We need to stop racism in America. It’s the USA home of the free. Not colors period. Jerome Ford your better than this.


Iam going to file a lawsuit against. Jerome Ford period. This is racism at it’s best period. If I wore a White Power shirt I would be in jail.

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