Jeff Driskel on joining the Broncos: ‘We want to have the best QB room in the league’ – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Derrick Johnson

Welcome Jeff.


Yous a backup


    Only takes one play to change that…. grow up kid!

    Chunga Punk

    Yous a hobo


    I’m drew lock so shut the heck up before I see u



    G1r4ff35 4r34 c001

    @littlehobo68 wtf


amazing video I loved it

Colby Sports

Jeff 💪🏼

William Stacey

I think Drew Lock is Denver’s future, but I guess if he gets injured we got this guy to back him up.

    Flame Features

    watch my von miller and drew lock videos

    zRed Riotz

    Took the words from my mouth

Bronx Legend

The athletic traits he has fits well with our system.

smile more Valerio808

U a back up💀💀😂😂😂KIIDDOOOO

Chris Diaz

Let’s go Broncos!!

ian isaac

Welcome to Broncos Country sir

Clinton Reisig

Welcome to the Broncos

Jack Black

Who is this guy… No disrespect update me

    Woelfi 45

    He was the backup of Detroit Lions Quarterback Matt Stafford and is a very fast runner.

    Jack Black

    Thank you for answering my question

Joel Yetz

Is he fulfilling holding duties? Or am I an idiot?

Jeff Garcia

I love that one person that said drew isn’t our future is saying that he new drew was our guy

    Rohan Potu

    Whatever happened to that one dude that kept hating on drew lol

    Michael Blackson

    Rohan Potu He changed his name to Kevin Jones lol he’s still out there

    Jeff Garcia

    Rohan Potu ik that’s who I’m talking about


Welcome to Denver Jeff! ✅✅✅

Dd Stanfield

I’m pretty familiar with Drew and His ability as a QB and he’s great This guy I’m sure would win a fight though hope it doesn’t get to that

Dd Stanfield

When you think about it, Drew has started every game he has dressed for That’s impressive

Tom Tom

Drew Lock is the future of sports.

Mark Drouin

Excellent guy to have at #2. Good athlete who can lead and win.

Laquaylon Steward

Broncos plz get everyone possible that can get to a super bowl

Sterling Dunivan

Oh yeah! Go Broncos country! 🧡💙🔥🔥🍻🤠

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