Jaylon Johnson: ‘Thou who runnith to the ball, good things will happen’ | Chicago Bears – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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Chicago media asks goofy questions! Do some real journalism and research!

    topshotta 15

    I feel like they’re intentionally trying to start something

    Izic Cheney

    @topshotta 15 They’re always intentionally looking for ways to make a headline

    topshotta 15

    @Izic Cheney exactly

    Ronald K. Wiley Jr.

    Seems their job is interpreted as “find anything that you can put a negative spin on & go with it”



The New Holistic, Co.

We need Jaylon to be CBWON and Kyler to be CBWON… ya heard me!?

Derrick D

I hate Chicago media

    Donald McKendree



    @Donald McKendree 🤣🤣🤣

Donald McKendree

What stupid questions.

Kyle Riggs

What a quote


This is one reason athletes get paid so much. They have to answer some of the most ridiculous questions and the same question over and over cause these reporters be fishing more than reporting….


Love this Guy nothing but respect 🙏🏾 💪🏾💯

Arturo . Arnold

I think too many of these reporters want to know the why’s. Must miss Nagy.

Alex H

JJ keep grinding! TC of your little bro KG!

Chris Towner


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