Jaylon Johnson: ‘I’ve worked for everything I’ve got’ | Player Profile | Chicago Bears – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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Richard Butler

🐻 Down

Pablo Moreno

“Vamos Osos Vamos”

Jesse B

I love JJ but his tackling scares me. I wish someone would show him how to wrap the legs up. I have a very bad feeling our season is going to end on a 1v1 Diggs type missed tackle for the walkoff TD. He really needs to work on his open field tackling

    Jesse Zeus

    Fuller needs to help him

Illness J

Defense is good… Offense… Well… 🐻 Down

Nick J

He is representing that number well. I bet Tillman is proud πŸ»β¬‡οΈ

The Gamer 91

Dude is really like the next Kyle Fuller on this team (which they STILL have).

Create the Magnificent

Jaylon you’re a stud bro, congrats on your success and Go Bears 🐻 Go Utes!

Jesse Zeus

Sucks in zone coverage needs to tighten up in the redzone

Mina #9

I like your attitude young man.

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