Jaylinn Hawkins Wired | Falcons AT&T Training Camp – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Jaylinn Hawkins Wired | Falcons AT&T Training Camp

Follow along with rookie safety Jaylinn Hawkins as he had the mic for practice at AT&T Training Camp.


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Isaiah Allen


Stan ezen

Excited man almost there

Joe Seida


King T'Challa

Let’s go jayhawk

Apollo Ghost

cant wait!

Rallo Tubbs

This guy is gonna be special. I see you putting in that extra work… #RISEUP#BeGreat


So we got Jaylinn Hawkins AND Josh Hawkins?

    Michael Fregoso

    Got ourselves some ball Hawks

    T Wall

    Very nice haha

William McCormack

This guy works hard I love it

Toon Squad

Keep balling out there Cuzzo, can’t wait to see you ball out #ballhawk

Seargent AR-10


Charles Houghton

Putting in the work let’s Rise ☝

Antonio Dubose

You gotta love his passion for the game. He trying to get in the starting rotation.

    James Keen

    Considering how often our safeties get injured chances are he will

    6ShotPrince _

    Him and Terrell are what we needed


Good luck out there bro!

Good Looking Honkey

Boy, he looks like a winner. …..lol he’s a bum too

Walker Cherry

We nailed the draft this year

Samuel Davis

Time will reveal all we need to know about this young man.

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