Javon Hargrave Discusses the Eagles’ New Defense & More | Eagles Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Great to see a mid-career player in his prime embrace when the team drafts a guy that plays same position. A lot of great character guys on the team

    Melijah Earl

    A good pass rush doesn’t have to have super dominant starters. It could just be a depth of consistent guys that can rotate throughout the game. The oline is gonna get tired at some point


    @Melijah Earl yeah for sure, all these guys will get snaps, I think people are sleeping on Milton Williams, has the chance to be a special player and glad to see the room embrace the rook.

Kevin C.

dude so high

    Kevin C.

    @Antonio Matarrita dude so fadedddd🤣

    Antonio Matarrita

    @Kevin C. there is a thing called being tired.. these players work their asses off day and night incase you didnt know

    Kevin C.

    @Antonio Matarrita get out ur feelings bud

    Antonio Matarrita

    @Kevin C. don’t say dumb crap and think that it’s funny

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