Jason Elam says Brandon McManus is doing a ‘tremendous job’ | Broncos Legends – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Brish Productions


Ethan King

lets go broncos keep up the good work Brandon and everyone else like if you agree.

Luigi Buscemi

jason really needs to stop being part of zz top for halloween


Not just on the field but off it like Elam did for Brandon!

Cody McAllister

What’s up Jason!?! Not sure if you remember me but I was a field rat at UH back in 1990 when I was in HS and got to hold for you a few times while you kicked from 50 yards practicing. I was also a kicker in HS and you taught me a lot. Anyway, I want to thank you πŸ™ I am a Colorado native and was always a Broncos fan so when they drafted you I was ecstatic… and I ended up graduating from UH too. Anyway, I hope you see this and sending you Aloha! πŸ€™

    Kaulana Luke

    Cheeee thats killahs brah! I used to watch him play back at UH and he is a big reason why im a Bronco fan! Aloha broπŸ€™πŸ½

    Cody McAllister

    @Kaulana Luke right on Kaulana! Thanks for sending the aloha!

mr kneel

Big love from Hawaii for the best Rainbow Warrior of all time! Go Broncos!

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