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Media team working OT to omit Carr and salvage Stidham footage

    daniel gomez

    Forreals y’all should know that mark is trying to cover it up

    Eric espinoza

    Carr is in the past. The league doesn’t stop for anyone.


When Josh McDumbass was hired, he asked, “Are you going to dismantle the team and destroy it like you did in Denver?”
He said, “No.”

This is exactly what he is going to do. Expect the Raiders to be crap for 10 years.


    @Robert I agree 100%.


    @The Irishman It is the play calling! The play calling has been horrible. Carr is a great QB and he’s been the heart of the team. They also brought in Adams because of Carr. Good luck trying to win without them. Our D is ranked last in many categories.


    @Poisonedblade That guy is blaming the offense which is basically top third in the nfl.. makes no sense. The defense has given up long last minute drives several times to lose games this year leaving the offense with a few seconds at the end

    The Irishman

    @Poisonedblade  then why is jacobs number 1? If they’re trash, then how come they hold opponents to 23 points otlr less on avg? It’s the QB


    @Robert Yeah. If you had a bike with a great front tire, and a flat back tire… he’d want to throw out the front tire because the bike isn’t going fast enough.
    Top 10 offense… Bottom 30 defense.

Yo Im2cozy

The both of you are a lot of fun to watch 😂 keep it up

    G Vogeaz

    No doubt LOL!!!!!!

Bill Viola

This game is going to be a massacre. Raiders are a total mess. Everywhere McDaniels goes as a “head” coach he SUCKS


massive L, mcdaniels got his buddy from pats as a starter now, ruined a playoff team and has garbage play calling. carr may not be the greatest but he’s not the issue. still hoping for the best but sheesh this is gunna be rough


How about benching McDaniels?

    Phil J

    Screw that coach

    Al U.

    Lizard Skin Bowl Cut is committed to McDumpsterfire.

    Hummer VS

    Lets see, walmart has amazing management no matter if you like the store. They own the broncos and it took them ruining 2 seasons with McDaniels to learn.

    Davis isn’t good at managing, weve seen that time and again since 2011.

    Zig might sacrifice McD after 3-4 years. Then 1.5 more years with him before Davis rolls the dice again. Maybe next time on someone who wins a radio contest?

    Let’s take a moment to remember why Al kicked Mark out of the house.

Stefan Hausinger

I’m fully prepared for Jimmy G to be the quarterback next season. It’s going to be so fun watching him throw lateral screen passes on 3rd and 9 and see McDaniels clap him off the field. The Patriot way, it’s what all you McDaniels clowns wanted right? No crying allowed next year! Y’all better smile and stay positive when they win 5 games and half the team is gutted!

    G Vogeaz

    Same goes for you. And no I don’t want Jimmy G but he is a overall better QB to Carr. Stats and W/L record prove it.


Meaningless win for Raiders. But will enhance our 2nd stringer’s story into something.

Or an L will just be dirt for the mud Raiders are already in.

Old man's Raider Nation

After reading the comments I feel you must be over 45 to understand what is happening and how bad this will be for this team for another decade. JMD is a curse and failure as a HC. It is absolute now it was Brady and never JMD that made the Patriots great.

Bryson Michael RC

This reminds me of the waterboy. Where another team tries out their town boy with disastrous effect. Purdy stepped in and has played well so McDaniel was like… let me try that. Problem is we’ve seen stidham.

    John B

    Yeah! WE DID SEE HIM!!😳😳
    Then carr stepped in the next game AAAAND carr’d it all up and lost to the chargers!!!!!!

    G Vogeaz

    You had no idea who Purdy was either so we could have said the same thing about him. You don’t know what you don’t know, that’s why we let players play. For the record, Stidham is not our future, but lets see…

PasterDesaster PasterDesaster

Mcdaniels kills the Best locker room in the nfl in 10 Months. DC4 is a true Raider he Bleeds silver and Black Mcdaniels is it Not worth. Show some Respekt on DC4.

    Hummer VS

    Why are you hating McD? He accomplished way more than that. The public realized it then, the players were actually wrecked by week 3. Give full credit where due man!

    Jorge Rodriguez

    Then go buy him some tampons 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 over payed over rated cry baby never wanted 2 be a raider he wanted 2 play for the Texans

Marc Torres

I’m excited for the change after 9 years with no playoff wins. Whether or not it’s for the better remains to be seen. It’s all on McDaniels going forward. The Raiders have lost with Carr, they can also lose without him.

    Jorge Rodriguez


    G Vogeaz

    Carr has his loyalists. I loved the guy, excellent teammate and person, but those don’t translate into wins. 9 yrs? Only thing team hasn’t changed is Carr. It’s time….

Emanuel Lugo

He needs a second season with Adams in McDaniels system. If we can give McDaniel a chance after some horrible calls this season then DC definitely deserves at least one more season in this system.


    Not only that, Patrick Graham hasn’t been fired

    G Vogeaz

    We don’t though. Carr had 3.5 years with Gruden and nothing. Another year isn’t going to fix Carr’s issues with missing open routes, inconsistent accuracy and inability to extend plays. We seen All we need to see at this point.

    G Vogeaz

    @jocool562 That I agree with. But probably have to give him another year with a bit more talent.

    Emanuel Lugo

    @G Vogeaz if gruden was still our coach. Dc would be taking us to the playoffs right now. With the offense we currently have. He knew gruden system like the back of his hand. All in all I just feel like we owe him the respect for him to go out respectfuly as a Raider after all the dedication he’s given us. I believe he would be willing to renegotiate his contract if we give him one more season to prove himself in this McDaniel system with this offense and the improvements we can make on the defense during the draft.

Fernando Rivas Alfaro

I dont care Who we play Just give your best Raider for life

Jorge Rodriguez

In the words of another raider nation member we lost with Carr we can loose with out him let’s see what the new guy brings

John._Blaze Drula

Coaching was the problem this year! Mark Davis is the WEAKEST owner he GOT TO GO!

aaron noriega

Funny how JJ said “it had to happen” 😂

G Vogeaz

Wow! Even his “brother” JJones says it needed to be done. It did. We know what we get with Carr so lets see what we get without Carr through next season.


This team is truly hurt by the owner ever wonder why AL didn’t want mark around! How long before Vegas gets him out

Juan Rincon

After 20 years raider fan don’t know if I want to ride with them anymore waiting to see where carr lands first

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