Jarrett Stidham, Maxx Crosby and Clelin Ferrell Media Availability | Week 17 vs. 49ers | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Let’s go Cle it’s your time to show out😮‍💨 (good luck against Trent Williams tho)

    Leo Garcia


Waves On Swim

Cle is a rotational player who was drafted too high. He’s set for life, and now won’t have any pressure moving forward.

    Micah Hunter

    so true lol watch how great e becomes

    Crystal Nelson

    Rotational water boy.🤣😂


    @Crystal Nelson and what are you? The rotational sofa boy? Get outta here acting like you’ve accomplished anything


Maxx has mastered the art of the ” cliche ” 🤣


Clelin Ferrell had a great game against the Steelers last week. I can’t wait to watch him against the 49ers.

    Leo Garcia

    Lmao Trent Williams is going to be pancaking him hahahah

    John._Blaze Drula

    Ferrell is trash. waste of a 1st round pick

    Cartier Shades

    Trent Williams is going to feast on this man bro I’m sorry

    Simon Torres

    First one in 4 years


    He had 2 good plays can’t call that a good game. He did nothing on the last game winning drive

Looney Rooney

Obviously it’s tough cuz he’s a brother but he’s also a CAPTAIN

Watts Raider

Cle a true raider came in last game and stepped it up big time


    Hell yea he did, as soon as his number was called he made plays,, my man!!

    Turd Ferguson

    Why not play that way all season?

    Teen _Raider

    @Turd Ferguson chandler was in on most snaps at the same time idk


    @Turd Ferguson unfortunately we had Jones ..

    Turd Ferguson

    @RipEEMdownRadioshow who?

Valerie Lynn

We will all see the difference on Sunday so what’s done is done no going back when things don’t work out goodluck Derek Carr your the real deal imo hopefully you find the right situation and your in playoffs next season I’m raiders fan forever but I feel like we’re going backwards again and the thought of bringing Tom Brady to the raiders makes me sick to my stomach but karma always wins in the end

    Peggy Grover

    @Galaxia X he’ll have to the other owner to go with him on selling I can imagine what AL Davis would say to all this I know he’d be killing his son lol

    channel surfer

    they should’ve signed Brady two years ago…

    Jorge Rodriguez

    Stop with the fantasy. The last time we were good was when Brady stole the superbowl from us n before that in 84 . Al Davis traded Allen cause he was being with his granddaughter..let alot of good players go n kept alot more for political reasons . Carr been here cause of the image he portraits as the all American football player family kids n religion but enough is enough with his Medio playing . Let him go he will be fine he got over payed for 9 years made 150 million so he is set . Bring on the change n let’s see what happens RAIDER NATION 4 LIFE WIN OR LOOSE AS LONG AS YOU BRING IT. NOT HALF @$$ like Carr.

    Galaxia X

    @Jorge Rodriguez we don’t want to hear any excuses from you 5 years down the line after the raiders go through 3 quarterbacks and still no winning seasons because the truth is it will be at least 5 years of rebuilding again so I hope you have plenty of patience.

    Jorge Rodriguez

    @Galaxia X  if they eff up you bet your carr fan boy behind I’m going to complain I’m not gonna just get my pomp pomps n cheer for a mediocre qb .I give props where props are earned not cause I’m infatuated with a lame individual with stats mainly earned by the receiver after the catch….. eff carr

Kevin Stro

I was looking forward to seeing the progression after playing a season together. Guess we’re starting all over again.

    Monty Chrisman


    Zoomer Slick

    Again, and again. And again. And again. And again. And again.

    Bret Edwards

    This will not change until Mark Davis is gone as owner of the Raiders. You can blame Players, GM’s, and HC’s and you will still be left with a incompetent owner who will make mistake after mistake just like he has done for the last decade.

    Bret Edwards

    @Jesse Morrow Get rid of Mark Davis ASAP or we will lose for another decade.

    Kevin Stro

    @Bret Edwards interesting perspective Big dog. I don’t like how He’s allowing a coach to make a GM type decision. That’s if these rumors are as accurate as they make them out to be.

michael dailey

As a Chargers fan I’m shocked !!! Carr is a GOOD QB , every team can’t say they have one !!! I think the deal for Brady was done before Josh got there !! I can’t say ” good luck in the future ” being a Bolts fan , but y’all don’t deserve the chaos !!!

    channel surfer

    how many Super Bowls do you guys have? that’s what I thought

    Jose Ortiz

    @channel surfer a better question. How many were you alive to see? Lol don’t use rings you didn’t even exist for to back up your argument you 🤡

    Curtis N

    I hear you…yea I’m feeling in all directions…just kinda ugly like after the ruggs situation….

    I do hope you guys knock off the chiefs.

    It will be insane to have Tom Brady as QB after.him.and the tuck rule. We both battled last year and thought we would regroup and come back stronger,. Not turn into a rebuild to become the Patriots…

    Arthuro Herrera

    @channel surfer the man is wishing us good luck, and you come out with some bullshit like that.

Dreaded Raider

It’s almost time for my favorite part of being a raiders fan.

The off-season

    Galaxia X

    When we go draft all the new talents that we build and then trade away oh yes sweet old off-season.


    “next year” will be our year

    Galaxia X

    @GenerousTravels bahaha you must be a young raider fan, I’ve been saying that since gruden and the bucks smacked the living truth in the super bowl, I don’t dare utter those words again.


Cle is a good guy. Wish we didn’t draft him at 4 but he’s always given good effort and been a standup guy.


    We should hold onto Cle. He’s a solid role player.

    Dylan Ramsey

    I agree he deserves the chance to fight back i mean look at Tae took him a few years to be Tae we know today but hes one of the best if not the best receiver in the league now wish we could of seen what coulda been if McDaniels wouldnt have sabotaged DC’s year


    @Dylan Ramsey Hes got 4 years already….If he wants to come back on the minimum I’d take him


    He’s been pretty good this season. His position takes a while to develop. He’s entering his prime.


    @nadaesfacil2003 he’s been a backup, and a slightly below average one at that.

Quentin Hood

They can have bosa who is great, but THE CONDOR IS A RAIDER!

A V8R21

Derek Carr, I wish you the very best!
It’s too bad that Mark let McDaniels get rid of you. But at the end, it’s all about business. LOVE YOU!


    His benching was Mark’s decision. Look it up

    John Novello

    Carrs benching is on him! If he was performing well, this wouldn’t have happened and anybody that thinks that he was playing well is in denial – he had so many interceptions and turnovers and overthrows under throws and throwing away on third down it was ridiculous!

Crystal Nelson

I’ll bet Mad Maxx rides a Harley. One of the few Raiders that gives total effort. He’s a complete throwback to The Mad Stork, Tooz, Alzado, Long……


    Small chance but it’d be dumb. I’m pretty sure it’s in their contracts that if they participate in “risky” behavior aka riding a motorcycle, they could lose out on their contract

Adam Nope

It’d be nice if we were graced with a Tom Brady-esque come up for Stidham, if only to avoid some of the hell in the QB search, but we could be looking at another 10 year stint of one offs

The Autumn Wind 37

I will always appreciate Derek and what he has done. Time to look forward. Go Raiders☠️🏴‍☠️💀


I hope we loose by 50 to show that carr is still that guy


Wherever Carr and Adams go I go that’s 44 years of fandom Mark will never see a nfl championship

Mike downs

Without a doubt this will be the most interesting off season in Raider history

Hector Muñoz

Go Raiders RN4L I’ll be there

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