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Go patriots! #Wewantseven

Tosh T

Sweet Feet is my second favorite Patriot behind Slate and just ahead of Jules who rounds out my Big (little) 3.

Tom Breault


Stan Smith

Great player!

Brady Case

Top 10 favorite patriots
1.julian Edelman (I love his story to the nfl)
2. Stephon Gilmore (DPoY)
3. Cam Newton (supercam on the pats)
4. Dontโ€™a Hightower (I know he opted out)
5. James white (SWEETFEET!!!)
6/7. McCourty twins ( idk I just like them)
8. Matthew slater (best special teamer in nfl)
9. Chase winoviche (sorry if I misspelled his last name)
10. Gunner (Iโ€™m not gonna try to spell his last name but you should know it)
Honorable mentions- the rest of the team

Brendan Kelby

You Beat My Steelers Last Season 33-3!๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ‘ฟ

    Brendan Kelby

    You Beat My Steelers Last Season 33-3!๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ‘ฟ

Renee Lemke

Well Basketball isnt over yet. Go support our pro leagues and #justiceforbreoanataylor

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