Jalen Hurts Makes an Urgent Plea for Peace. #EndGunViolence – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Jalen hit up yo barber bro

    Stevepwn Productions


    Bromodo Dragon

    Dreads are comin back 🔥🔥


    Bro if he likes his cut let him be he has money he would get a different cut if he didn’t like his current one

Dr Pavel, Im CIA.

Urgent plan to not throw 3 picks against ny

Scottie Landon AKA Lucky



People need to change not the tools. People will use whatever they can to do dumb stuff regardless of what it is

Dank Burrito

I get what he’s saying, but the guns are not the problem it’s the people who have them. If we really wanna change in culture, then we have to do it from within. We also can’t look at the shooting in the school and ignore the suspicious behavior of the police standing down as children are being slaughtered, and they knew about his issues. There was a FBI who had constant contact with the Buffalo shooter. So why not look into that and what they are giving these kids to help their psychiatric problems. How was the shooter able to get $1k+ weapons?


*You Can’t Talk About Gun Violence When Philly Is Very High In Gun Violence With Illegal Guns… And Philly Is Pretty High In Murders… So Stop Projecting And Ignoring The Problems For The City You Play For.*

    Leonard Planck III



Jeffrey lurie using his players the push his ppolitical position lol pathetic

    Skyler Coleman

    @Ramsey Gavin it for sure is political

    Nick Pacitti

    @Ramsey Gavin boom💀, well stated 👏👏✌️


    @Ramsey Gavin it’s 100% political

Chris Young

Every parent who lost a child was forced to send them to a place where they would be defenseless.
How bout we make schools the very Last Place a shooter wants to go??
Does anyone remember all those gun store and shooting range killings? Me either.
Really though we gotta get to these dudes BEFORE they even get the thought to buy a gun.

Put a PHd in mental health and a jiu-jitsu blackbelt in every school. Teach kids empathy, theory of mind, meditation, and mediation, along with situational awareness. Real life skills, team building stuff like Spartan Races.

Bullies disappear when all your potential victims can slap an arm bar on you or choke you out. Especially if there’s an outlet to mediate differences on the mats every week and shake hands later.

Sorry for the rant. Just an old gen X Bird fan tired of circular arguments going nowhere with bull crap solutions that won’t address anything.


We don’t need to take guns we need to have god in our country

    Chris Schaller

    That’s probably not even real

    Chris Schaller

    Religion is the last thing needed in anything


    America was built on gad and we fell from him

Jake H

Bum qb. Bum take

    Skyler Coleman

    Why you here? Go find a different team

Malaki YahYah


Ben Gold

Harden the target! Sick people and thugs are the issue…. And they will always find a way to be destructive. Stop and frisk

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