Jalen Hurts “It’s All About Attention to Detail” | Eagles Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Ryan Lomberg

Jalen is a grown man

    Ted Nicklas

    A hard TRYER…

Goku San

How do we have the worst media possible?

Aroque Bryant

Philly fans need to give Jalen a chance Freal


    12 games is enough when your qb cant make simple high school college passes. Thats why we run the rpo and bubble screens he is a one to two read qb. So yeah 12 games is enough.


    @Shawnski the wr drop as many passes as he miss


    @Shawnski 6 Tds off the board from penalties

    And if you think running RPOs is simpler than just calling a run or pass play you’ve never played a snap in your life these aren’t kids on defense who don’t know what they’re looking for 🤦‍♂️


    He cant make simple passes his arm strength is terrible and his pocket awareness is worse. He is lamar jackson minus the arm. I dont understand the loyalty to a man who has done nothing nothinggggg for this franchise. His little slogans and his leadership does not win ball games. Im loyal to the logo not the player.


    @Shawnski its obvious you don’t kno football arguing with fools is a waste of time


Give this man time. Next draft class of QBs are trash, and we’re not getting Wilson or Rodgers.

    Ted Nicklas

    PICKETT 10x better..Malik 5x better…

b costello

Stupid questions week after week lol…

Bruce Terrell

Whys McMullen asking soft questions. Why not tell him his true feelings. Being phony and hypocritical.

    shun gun41

    @b costello John McMullett myyyy! Man

    Rimo K.

    that guy is awful.

Y. Y.

I like the kid…but his All 22 says…. he needs to see the field better….or is wr’s will lose faith in him


    Comes with development and trust in your O Line give it time

    Ted Nicklas



    @Ted Nicklas Hall Of Fame FOOTBALL PLAYERS and anyone with a brain say otherwise

A-Camp *


Anthony Shook

“What has it done for the offense?” 😂😂

This guy Jalen is funny af. His pressers are always the best. Mailata is a close runner up interview wise

    Moe Basha

    @intellectualAzzKickins Also you want to talk about a rookie head coach. Yes he’s learning BUT he’s actually improving. Jalen’s college mistakes ante the same mistakes he made last year and the same mistakes he’s making now. I get that he’s also learning but he’s not showing any improvement.


    @Moe Basha bro yall sitting at home on a couch every Sunday miss wit this bullshit about “Garbage Time” ya life on the couch is Garbage time if he threw an INT in “Garbage time” you’d count it

    When the Eagles were down 31-10 with 8 mins on the clock in the 4th to come back and win was that fckin Garbage time

    The Kid has been ask to be almost 90% of the offense through the 1st half of the season damn if you passing the ball 50 plus xs a game your gonna make a few mistakes how tf do you run A run pass option when theres absolutely no threat to the Defense that you’ll actually run?makes it easy to chase a QB and key in on Recievers theres no player with 12 starts or less with better numbers than Jalen

    I actually played this game at multiple positions

    Bad Play calling Has Jalen in the position he’s in Rueben Frank came out with his stats when under center and when we’re passing out of shotgun every play

    He’s in the 50 percentile of completion when running RPOs

    And damn near 80 percent when calling regular plays from under center i.e designed runs and actual designed passing

    Nick gets the Rookie card but Jalen doesn’t?

    Nick has been in the NFL with multiple teams under successful coaches and it took him 8 weeks to run the damn ball?

    And we call that learning????

    It’s also Jalens Fault our defense is letting Qbs complete 80% of their passes and up huh?

    We not even gonna talk about Howie and Lurie

    I’m watching yall blame a 22- 23yr old QB in his 2nd year 2nd system 12th start and being asked to do entirely to much of course he’s not perfect but yall blame Jalen and exonerate everyone else around him

    The Reason I kno its deeper than what yall say it is, is cause when I Mention dudes like Trevor Lawrence and Zach Wilson who are completing under 60 percent of passes with far less TDs than Jalen yall say give them time to develop and then say Jalens Garbage 🙄

    I ain buyin that bullshit yall kickin


    @intellectualAzzKickins Damn I think I lost brain cells because of how long that was, lol. But yeah I think they need to give Jalen more time he’s just a rookie and there are way worse qbs than Jalen.


    @Jozee my fellow Eagles fans kill me sometimes lol we sat patiently thru Mark Sanchez and Sam Bradford compared to how some of them are treating Jalen its just crazy to me so I had to break it down to the simplest fraction 😂


    @intellectualAzzKickins lol I see what you’re saying.

Jamir McClary

Man let’s go. As a Eagles fan I truly don’t trust hurts right now but I believe he can be another Mcnabb in a sense

    Joe Cook205

    Man I feel you and im a avid jalen hurt fan and supporter but I don’t trust him right now but I do trust he will continue to put in the work to be better


Where can I get that hoodie?!!! Been lookin all over for it – Philly fan from Chicago

    Madara Breeze Uchiha

    Yes it’s hella 🔥🔥

Oatmeal Money

Jalen won’t improve until coaches do!

Yale Roth

I’m rooting for this guy


2:35 😆🤣😂




Anyone know which reporter asked the question about going under Center? Jalen evidently does not like that guy

candy mcdaniel

Jalen getting spicy 🌶😆😂

Arley Villeda

Lol media asking athletes about swagger cracks me up.

Hunter L

“Ima ask you” caught off guard jalen ?? Pathetic simple question by mclane you could have answered that.

Andre Wooding

Let’s not get comfortable

Yaera Jeon

I’m rooting for him – a fan from Norman 🙆‍♀️

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