Jake Butt credits ‘a little bit of craziness’ for comeback mentality | Training Camp Tonight – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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Headlines from next week, “Jake Butt blows out acl’s and mcl’s both legs on single play.” 🙄 I don’t wish any harm on him but comm’on man do we really need Mr. Glass on board. Cut him and Ju wan James especially. I’d rather see a cap hit than that pathetic petunia..

    Hydraulic Press To The Balls

    I really believe in Jake Butt man he seems like a great guy and I hope he can stay healthy and have a good season

    Hydraulic Press To The Balls

    But I agree with you on Ju wan James. You can’t fault him for wanting to keep his family safe and away from COVID but comm’on man we’re paying him a shot ton of money for him to only play like 10 snaps last year and to not play at all this year

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